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[英]Running Chef recipes using Vagrant on Windows host: issue with SSH

I use Vagrant to create a CentOS VM on Windows host and connect to it, so far so good. 到目前为止,我使用Vagrant在Windows主机上创建了一个CentOS VM并连接到它。

Next I want to use Chef to provision stacks on VM that was created. 接下来,我要使用Chef在已创建的VM上置备堆栈。 I tried with local directory cookbooks as well as providing urls to recipes, but that probably fails because it can't ssh to guest box, as seen from error: 我尝试使用本地目录食谱以及提供食谱的url,但这可能会失败,因为它无法SSH到guest box,从错误中可以看出:

SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.

So my first question is: 所以我的第一个问题是:

1) How do I make sure SSH works within same window that brought up guest OS in Windows Host so that all scripts execute well? 1)如何确保SSH在Windows Host中启动来宾OS的同一窗口中工作,以便所有脚本都能正常执行?

Now when I comment below line in vagrantfile 现在,当我在vagrantfile中的行下方评论时

config.ssh.username = "root"

Above error goes away, but I get another error: 上面的错误消失了,但是我得到另一个错误:

The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!

mount -t vboxsf -o uid= id -u vagrant ,gid= id -g vagrant v-csr-2 /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-2/roles

Which is because the user vagrant does not have enough access on box, which is my second question: 这是因为用户无业游民没有足够的访问权限,这是我的第二个问题:

2) How do instruct Vagrant to run all commands with sudo or su access? 2)如何指示Vagrant使用sudo或su访问权限运行所有命令?

Here is how I managed to get SSH working: 这是我设法使SSH工作的方法:

install cygwin (http://www.cygwin.com/) 安装cygwin(http://www.cygwin.com/)

setup openssh from within cygwin 从cygwin内设置openssh

add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_vagrant 添加〜/ .ssh / id_rsa_vagrant

download from here 这里下载

modify ~/.ssh/config 修改〜/ .ssh / config

Host localhost IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_vagrant 主机本地主机IdentityFile〜/ .ssh / id_rsa_vagrant

modify rights on ssh directory 修改ssh目录的权限

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/* chmod 600〜/ .ssh / *

Everything should be working fine. 一切都应该正常工作。

I found a way to use batch file and same command prompt window from Windows to connect to VM. 我找到了一种使用批处理文件和Windows中相同命令提示符窗口连接到VM的方法。

So here are steps: 所以这是步骤:

  • You need to have putty installed on same machine. 您需要在同一台计算机上安装腻子。
  • You will need to configure path to putty executable in following batch script 您将需要在以下批处理脚本中配置腻子可执行文件的路径
  • Use the batch file to connect to your box 使用批处理文件连接到您的盒子

Here goes the batch file: 批处理文件如下:

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

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