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[英]Running Chef recipes using Vagrant on Windows host: issue with SSH

到目前為止,我使用Vagrant在Windows主機上創建了一個CentOS VM並連接到它。

接下來,我要使用Chef在已創建的VM上置備堆棧。 我嘗試使用本地目錄食譜以及提供食譜的url,但這可能會失敗,因為它無法SSH到guest box,從錯誤中可以看出:

SSH authentication failed! This is typically caused by the public/private keypair for the SSH user not being properly set on the guest VM. Please verify that the guest VM is setup with the proper public key, and that the private key path for Vagrant is setup properly as well.


1)如何確保SSH在Windows Host中啟動來賓OS的同一窗口中工作,以便所有腳本都能正常執行?


config.ssh.username = "root"


The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!

mount -t vboxsf -o uid= id -u vagrant ,gid= id -g vagrant v-csr-2 /tmp/vagrant-chef-1/chef-solo-2/roles






添加〜/ .ssh / id_rsa_vagrant


修改〜/ .ssh / config

主機本地主機IdentityFile〜/ .ssh / id_rsa_vagrant


chmod 600〜/ .ssh / *




  • 您需要在同一台計算機上安裝膩子。
  • 您將需要在以下批處理腳本中配置膩子可執行文件的路徑
  • 使用批處理文件連接到您的盒子


@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end

@echo off REM REM This is a replacement for the "vagrant ssh" command on Windows REM (since "vagrant ssh" doesn't actually work on Windows). REM REM PuTTY must be installed. If it is not installed in REM "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" then set the PUTTY_DIR environment REM to point to the installed location. REM REM As with any vagrant command this should be executed in the directory REM containing the Vagrantfile. REM setlocal enableextensions if "%PUTTY_DIR%" == "" ( REM Default location of PuTTY if the Windows installer is used. set "PUTTY_DIR=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PuTTY" ) if not exist "%PUTTY_DIR%" ( echo ERROR: PuTTY not found. echo Install PuTTY or check setting of PUTTY_DIR. goto end ) for /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in ('vagrant ssh-config') do ( if "%%A" == "HostName" ( set VagrantHostName=%%B ) if "%%A" == "Port" ( set VagrantPort=%%B ) if "%%A" == "User" ( set VagrantUser=%%B ) if "%%A" == "IdentityFile" ( set IdentityFile=%%B ) ) if "%VagrantHostName%" == "" ( goto end ) if exist %IdentityFile%.ppk ( set "VGPUTTY_OPTIONS=%VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% -i %IdentityFile%.ppk" ) else ( echo. echo TIP: For password-free Vagrant VM login use PuTTYGen to generate echo this file: %IdentityFile%.ppk echo from file: %IdentityFile% echo. ) start "%VagrantHostName%:%VagrantPort%" "%PUTTY_DIR%\\PuTTY.exe" %VGPUTTY_OPTIONS% %VagrantUser%@%VagrantHostName% %VagrantPort% :end


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