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jQuery Popeye不想工作

[英]jQuery popeye don't want to work

Hello guys I can't provide the code but you can see it on the web. 大家好,我无法提供代码,但您可以在网上看到它。 Here is the Link 链接在这里

All scripts work correctly on the web but I can't configure the popeye and find the problem... Can anyone check it out? 所有脚本都可以在Web上正常运行,但是我无法配置popeye并发现问题...有人可以检查出来吗?

When I check with google errors it marks the following code in jquery 1.7.2. 当我检查google错误时,它在jquery 1.7.2中标记了以下代码。

return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll( "[id='" + nid + "'] " + query ), extra )

Popeye's website is here 大力水手的网站在这里

I don't know if this helps but this is what i got as errors using chrome console, some resources are not loaded and there is undefined object passed to the popeye i believe 我不知道这是否有帮助,但这是我使用chrome控制台时遇到的错误,某些资源未加载,并且有未定义的对象传递给我相信的popeye

Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/html: "http://bestinvest.ge/js/script.js". header.js:2

(anonymous function) header.js:2

GET http://bestinvest.ge/en/upload/sresize.php?src=building/uploads/41/&w=160&h=110 400 (Bad Request) /en/?transaction=3&minrooms=1&maxrooms=100&minprice=&maxprice=:739

GET http://bestinvest.ge/en/upload/sresize.php?src=building/uploads/41/&w=280&h=180 400 (Bad Request) /en/?transaction=3&minrooms=1&maxrooms=100&minprice=&maxprice=:746

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'show' of undefined jquery.js:8480
jQuery.fn.extend.fadeTo jquery.js:8480
showImage jquery.popeye-2.1.js:288
$.fn.popeye.each.$self.mouseenter.ismouseover jquery.popeye-2.1.js:642
jQuery.event.dispatch jquery.js:3332
jQuery.event.add.elemData.handle.eventHandle jquery.js:2941

Hope this help, good luck 希望有帮助,祝你好运

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