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[英]Comparing list values by index in Python

I need to see if 2 items from a list appears in another list, and if they do, compare the items by their position in the other list. 我需要查看列表中的2个项目是否出现在另一个列表中,如果确实出现,则按项目在另一个列表中的位置进行比较。 Example in pseudo code: 伪代码示例:

for x in mylist #loop through the list
    for y in mylist #loop through the list again to compare items
        if index of mylist[j] > index of mylist[i] in list1 and list2:
            score[i][j] = 1 #writes the score to a 2d array(numpy) called score

Sample Narrative Description: 样本叙事说明:

Names = [John, James, Barry, Greg, Jenny]
Results1 = [James, Barry, Jenny, Greg, John]
Results2 = [Barry, Jenny, Greg, James, John]

loop through Names for i
    loop through Names for j
        if (index value for john) > (index value for james) in results1 and 
           (index value for john) > (index value for james) results2:
            score[i][j] = 1

Can someone please point me in the right direction? 有人可以指出正确的方向吗? I've been looking at numerous list, array and .index tutorials but nothing seems to answer my question 我一直在看众多的列表,数组和.index教程,但似乎没有什么可以回答我的问题

Convert your list2 to a dictionary that encodes the position given an item: list2转换为字典,该字典对给定项目的位置进行编码:

dic2 = dict((item,i) for i,item in enumerate(list2))

Now you can test for something being in the list by using x in dic2 and y in dic2 and use dic2[x] to get it's index in the list. 现在,您可以通过x in dic2 and y in dic2使用x in dic2 and y in dic2使用x in dic2 and y in dic2并使用dic2[x]获取列表中的索引来测试列表中是否包含某些内容。

Edit: It goes against my better instincts, but here's the complete code. 编辑:这违背了我更好的直觉,但这是完整的代码。 The first part is using what I showed above, turning a simple list into a lookup for the index. 第一部分使用上面显示的内容,将一个简单的列表转换为对索引的查找。 Next comes the standard if unintuitive way of initializing a 2D list. 接下来是用于初始化2D列表的非直观方法。 This is followed by your loops, using the ever handy enumerate function to assign an index to each name in the list. 接下来是循环,使用方便的enumerate函数为列表中的每个名称分配索引。

Names = ['John', 'James', 'Barry', 'Greg', 'Jenny']
Results1 = ['James', 'Barry', 'Jenny', 'Greg', 'John']
Results2 = ['Barry', 'Jenny', 'Greg', 'James', 'John']

Order1 = dict((name,order) for order,name in enumerate(Results1))
Order2 = dict((name,order) for order,name in enumerate(Results2))

score = [[0]*len(Names) for y in range(len(Names))]

for i,name1 in enumerate(Names):
    for j,name2 in enumerate(Names):
        if name1 in Order1 and name2 in Order1 and Order1[name1] > Order1[name2] and name1 in Order2 and name2 in Order2 and Order2[name1] > Order2[name2]:
            score[i][j] = 1
if num1 in lis2 and num2 in lis2:
    if lis2.index(num1)>lis2.index(num2):
        #do something here
        #do something else

IF I understand what you are trying to do, here is an approach: 如果我了解您要执行的操作,则可以采用以下方法:


Names = ["John", "James", "Barry", "Greg", "Jenny"]
Results1 = ["James", "Barry", "Jenny", "Greg", "John"]
Results2 = ["Barry", "Jenny", "Greg", "James", "John"]

r1dict={name:i for i,name in enumerate(Results1)}
r2dict={name:i for i,name in enumerate(Results2)}

for i, ni in enumerate(Names):
    for j, nj in enumerate(Names):
        if r1dict[ni] > r2dict[nj]:


Prints: 打印:

{(0, 1): 1, (3, 2): 1, (4, 4): 1, (3, 3): 1, (2, 2): 1, 
 (4, 2): 1, (0, 3): 1, (0, 4): 1, (3, 4): 1, (0, 2): 1}

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