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[英]Boost Threads Producer/Consumer unexpected behavior

I am currently writing an application(using boost) that will have one producer grabbing frames and one consumer reading frames.I added a sleep statement in the producer to simulate the time to grab a frame. 我目前正在编写一个应用程序(使用boost),它将有一个生产者抓取框架和一个消费者阅读框架。我在生产者中添加了一个睡眠语句来模拟抓取框架的时间。 I expected the consumer to wait on a condition variable and on the first notify from the producer be awakened to read the frame. 我希望消费者等待一个条件变量,然后唤醒生产者的第一个通知来读取该帧。 However, what I am seeing in the log file is the consumer(main thread) waiting on the condition variable, however the producer goes through several notifys before the consumer comes out of the wait to read the frame. 但是,我在日志文件中看到的是消费者(主线程)等待条件变量,但是生产者在消费者退出等待读取框架之前经历了几个通知。

Here is my Worker.h 这是我的Worker.h

class Worker {
static log4cxx::LoggerPtr m_log;

    virtual ~Worker();

    void start();
    void stop();
    void getCurrentFrame(/*cv::Mat& frame*/);

    void processFrames();

    volatile bool m_stopRequested;

    bool m_bFrameReady;
    boost::mutex m_mutex;
    boost::condition_variable condF;

    boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> m_thread;

Worker.cpp Worker.cpp

LoggerPtr Worker::m_log(Logger::getLogger("fdx.Worker"));

Worker::Worker() {
    m_bFrameReady = false;

    LOG4CXX_INFO(m_log, "Worker() c-tor");

    m_stopRequested = false;


Worker::~Worker() {
    LOG4CXX_INFO(m_log, "Worker() d-tor");

void Worker::start()
    LOG4CXX_INFO(m_log, "Worker()::start()");

    m_thread = boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread>(new boost::thread(&Worker::processFrames, this));

    LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker()::start() thread[" << m_thread->get_id() << "] started!");

void Worker::stop()
    LOG4CXX_INFO(m_log, "Worker()::stop()");

    if(m_thread != NULL)
        LOG4CXX_INFO(m_log, "Worker()::stop() ThrId [" << m_thread->get_id() << "]");
        m_stopRequested = true;
        LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker()::stop() The thread for this camera was never started.");

LOG4CXX_INFO(m_log, "Worker()::stop() thread stopped!");

void Worker::processFrames()
    LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker()::processFrames() Thread[" << boost::this_thread::get_id() << "] starting...");

    int rc = 0;
    std::stringstream ss;

        boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);
        LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker()::processFrames() Got a Write lock");

        m_bFrameReady = true;
        LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker()::processFrames() Frame ready set to true");


        LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker()::processFrames() Write Un-lock");


        LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker()::processFrames() Notify");


void Worker::getCurrentFrame()
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex);

        LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker::getCurrentFrame() wait for Read lock");

    LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker::getCurrentFrame() Frame ready; Got a Read lock");

    m_bFrameReady = false;

    LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker::getCurrentFrame() Frame ready set to false");

    LOG4CXX_WARN(m_log, "Worker::getCurrentFrame() Read Un-lock");


main.cpp main.cpp中

LoggerPtr logger(Logger::getLogger("TCamApp"));

int main(int argc, char** argv)
int rc = 0;

char cwDir[FILENAME_MAX];

Worker* pWorker = NULL;

memset(cwDir, 0, sizeof(cwDir));
getcwd(cwDir, FILENAME_MAX);

std::cout << "Current Working Dir[" << cwDir << "]" << endl;

std::stringstream ss;
ss << "" << cwDir << "/logs.properties";
std::cout << "logs.properties file[" << ss.str() << "]" << endl;

struct stat st;
if(!stat(ss.str().c_str(), &st))

LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Application [" << argv[0] << "] starting...");

pWorker = new Worker();


for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++)

    LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Iteration [" << i << "]");



LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, "Application [" << argv[0] << "] stopping...");

return rc;

Below is an excerpt from my log file: 以下是我日志文件的摘录:

2012-07-11 15:33:53,943 [0x7f5707bcf780] INFO  TCamApp - Application [/home/op/workspace/TestThreads/Debug/TestThreads] starting...
2012-07-11 15:33:53,944 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::start() thread[0x15e4c50] started!
2012-07-11 15:33:53,944 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker::getCurrentFrame() wait for Read lock
2012-07-11 15:33:53,944 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Thread[0x15e4c50] starting...
2012-07-11 15:33:53,944 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Got a Write lock
2012-07-11 15:33:53,944 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Frame ready set to true
2012-07-11 15:33:54,145 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Write Un-lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,145 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Notify
2012-07-11 15:33:54,145 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Got a Write lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,145 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Frame ready set to true
2012-07-11 15:33:54,345 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Write Un-lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,345 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Notify
2012-07-11 15:33:54,345 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker::getCurrentFrame() Frame ready; Got a Read lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,345 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker::getCurrentFrame() Frame ready set to false
2012-07-11 15:33:54,345 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker::getCurrentFrame() Read Un-lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,346 [0x7f5707bcf780] INFO  TCamApp - Iteration [0]
2012-07-11 15:33:54,346 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker::getCurrentFrame() wait for Read lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,346 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Got a Write lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,346 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Frame ready set to true
2012-07-11 15:33:54,546 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Write Un-lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,547 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Notify
2012-07-11 15:33:54,547 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Got a Write lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,547 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Frame ready set to true
2012-07-11 15:33:54,747 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Write Un-lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,747 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Notify
2012-07-11 15:33:54,747 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Got a Write lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,747 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Frame ready set to true
2012-07-11 15:33:54,948 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Write Un-lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,948 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Notify
2012-07-11 15:33:54,948 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Got a Write lock
2012-07-11 15:33:54,948 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Frame ready set to true
2012-07-11 15:33:55,148 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Write Un-lock
2012-07-11 15:33:55,149 [0x7f57059c1700] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker()::processFrames() Notify
2012-07-11 15:33:55,149 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker::getCurrentFrame() Frame ready; Got a Read lock
2012-07-11 15:33:55,149 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker::getCurrentFrame() Frame ready set to false
2012-07-11 15:33:55,149 [0x7f5707bcf780] WARN  fdx.Worker - Worker::getCurrentFrame() Read Un-lock
2012-07-11 15:33:55,149 [0x7f5707bcf780] INFO  TCamApp - Iteration [1]

As you can see from the log the main thread waits to read, yet the other thread will produce multiple notifys before the main thread will get out of it's wait(). 正如你可以从日志中看到主线程等待读取,但是另一个线程将在主线程退出它的wait()之前产生多个notifys。

I have researched some and thought I had coded it correctly, but it is not behaving as I expected. 我已经研究了一些,并认为我已正确编码,但它的行为并不像我预期的那样。 I would appreciate any advice on a solution. 我很感激有关解决方案的任何建议。 Thanks. 谢谢。

That's expected, as the producer thread is sleeping with the mutex locked. 这是预期的,因为生产者线程在互斥锁被锁定时正在睡觉。 As soon as it wakes up, it notifies the consumer and locks it again. 一旦它醒来,它就会通知消费者并再次锁定它。 There's no guarantee of "fairness" on who will get to lock the mutex. 对于谁将锁定互斥锁无法保证“公平”。

What you appear to be trying to implement is an asynchronous queue. 您似乎试图实现的是异步队列。 It usually contains 2 condition variables: one to hold down producers when the queue is full, another to hold down consumers when the queue is empty. 它通常包含2个条件变量:一个用于在队列满时按住生产者,另一个用于在队列为空时按住消费者。 No matter how long it takes to produce or consume the item in the queue, the mutex gets locked only for the duration of the push/pop operations - which is supposed to be really fast. 无论生成或使用队列中的项目需要多长时间,互斥锁只会在推/弹操作的持续时间内被锁定 - 这应该非常快。

Your sleep statement is probably just biasing the scheduler of your OS to give more priority to the producer thread. 您的sleep语句可能只是偏向操作系统的调度程序,以便为生产者线程提供更多优先级。 Move the sleep out of the critical section, to simulate the processing outside the push operation, and you should see the consumer thread being more responsive. 将睡眠移出临界区,以模拟推送操作之外的处理,您应该看到消费者线程更具响应性。

On a related note, instead polling an atomic variable for termination, you could push a sentinel object (that is, a special value, like a null pointer on a queue of pointers) onto the queue to let the consumer threads know they have to stop. 在相关的注释中,相反地轮询原子变量以进行终止,您可以将一个sentinel对象(即一个特殊值,如指针队列上的空指针)推送到队列中,让消费者线程知道他们必须停止。

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