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[英]How can I get my regular expression to return only the first match on the line?

My data contains lines like this: 我的数据包含以下行:

55 511 00,"805, 809, 810, 839, 840",J223,201,338,116,16,200,115,6,P,S,"8,5","25,74",47,242,"55,7"

I have tried ,"(.*)", as a regular expression, but it captures too much of the line. 我已经尝试过将,"(.*)",作为正则表达式使用,但是它捕获了太多的行。 This expression currently returns: 该表达式当前返回:

,"805, 809, 810, 839, 840",J223,201,338,116,16,200,115,6,P,S,"8,5","25,74",

but what I really want is just the first quoted string. 但是我真正想要的只是第一个带引号的字符串。 Valid results would be: 有效结果将是:

  • ,"805, 809, 810, 839, 840",
  • 805, 809, 810, 839, 840

How can I capture only that first match? 我怎样才能只捕获第一场比赛?

You need to make the * lazy instead of greedy : 您需要使* 懒而不是贪婪


or match all characters but " : 或匹配除" :之外的所有字符


Try "([^"]+) . 尝试"([^"]+) Group 1 will match 805, 809, 810, 839, 840 第一组将匹配805, 809, 810, 839, 840


Will do the job! 会做的工作! Everything between the "-s “ -s”之间的所有内容

Your regex is greedy, the .* will get everything up until the final " 您的正则表达式是贪婪的, 。*将会使所有内容都保留下来,直到最后一个

So to make it non-greedy, add a ? 因此,要使其不贪心,请添加 at the end of the bracketed part: 在方括号部分的末尾:


Which should stop it as soon as it reaches the next " 当到达下一个

Use a Non-Greedy Match 使用非贪婪的比赛

There are many ways to handle this, but the simplest and most generic is to use a non-greedy match if your regular expression engine supports it. 有很多方法可以解决此问题,但是最简单,最通用的方法是在正则表达式引擎支持的情况下使用非贪婪匹配。 If it does not, you have to build an expression that knows a lot more about the structure of your data. 如果不是,则必须构建一个对数据结构了解更多的表达式。

Some Examples 一些例子

Here's an example using Perl-compatible regular expressions to split the output: 这是一个使用与Perl兼容的正则表达式拆分输出的示例:

$ pcregrep -o '"(.*?)"' /tmp/foo | head -n1
"805, 809, 810, 839, 840"

Here's another example that uses pure Perl: 这是另一个使用纯Perl的示例:

$ perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if /(".*?")/' /tmp/foo
"805, 809, 810, 839, 840"

Here's a third example that uses POSIX extended regular expressions, but which does not support non-greedy matches. 这是第三个示例,该示例使用POSIX扩展正则表达式,但不支持非贪婪匹配。

$ egrep -o '("[^"]+")' /tmp/foo | head -n1
"805, 809, 810, 839, 840"

You may also want to consider splitting your input into fields, and then testing each field until you find a match. 您可能还需要考虑将输入分成多个字段,然后测试每个字段,直到找到匹配项。 A lot just depends on what facilities you have at your disposal. 很大程度上取决于您拥有什么设施。

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