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[英]How to do a groupby on an empty set of columns in Pandas?

I am hitting on a corner case in pandas. 我在大熊猫的一个角落里打。 I am trying to use the agg fn but without doing a groupby. 我试图使用agg fn但没有做groupby。 Say I want an aggregation on the entire dataframe , ie 假设我想在整个dataframe上进行聚合,即

from pandas import *
DF = DataFrame( randn(5,3), index = list( "ABCDE"), columns = list("abc") )
DF.groupby([]).agg({'a' : np.sum, 'b' : np.mean } ) # <--- does not work

And DF.agg( {'a' ... } ) does not work either. DF.agg( {'a' ... } )也不起作用。

My workaround is to do DF['Total'] = 'Total' then do a DF.groupby(['Total']) but this seems a bit artificial. 我的解决方法是做DF['Total'] = 'Total'然后做一个DF.groupby(['Total'])但这看起来有点人为。

Has anyone got a cleaner solution? 有没有人有更清洁的解决方案?

It's not so great either, but for this case, if you pass a function returning True at least it wouldn't require changing df : 它也不是那么好,但对于这种情况,如果你传递一个返回True的函数,至少它不需要改变df

>>> from pandas import *
>>> df = DataFrame( np.random.randn(5,3), index = list( "ABCDE"), columns = list("abc") )
>>> df.groupby(lambda x: True).agg({'a' : np.sum, 'b' : np.mean } )
             a         b
True  1.836649 -0.692655
>>> df['total'] = 'total'
>>> df.groupby(['total']).agg({'a' : np.sum, 'b' : np.mean } ) 
              a         b
total  1.836649 -0.692655

You could use various builtins instead of lambda x: True but they're less explicit and only work accidentally. 您可以使用各种内置而不是lambda x: True但它们不那么明确,只是偶然工作。

Having an analogous DataFrame.aggregate method is a good idea. 使用类似的DataFrame.aggregate方法是个好主意。 Creating an issue here: 在这里创建一个问题:

https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/1623 https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/1623

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