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Backbone.js - 集合未定义

[英]Backbone.js - Collection is undefined

I'm trying to learn backbone.js but the I'm stuck on fetching the json and adding to the collection.The collection is undefined and I don't know why. 我正在尝试学习backbone.js,但我仍然坚持抓取json并添加到集合中。集合未定义,我不知道为什么。 Code: 码:

$(document).ready(function() {
    (function($) {
        window.Wine = Backbone.Model.extend();

        window.WineCollection = Backbone.Model.extend({
            url: "http://localhost/bootstrap/json.php",
            model: Wine

        window.WineItemView = Backbone.View.extend({
            template: _.template($("#wine-item-template").html()),
            tagName: 'li',
            render: function() {
                return this;

        window.WineListView = Backbone.View.extend({
            tagName: 'ul',
            initialize: function() {
                this.model.bind('reset', this.render, this);

            render: function() {

                _.each(this.model.models, function(wine) {
                    $(this.el).append(new WineItemView({
                        model: wine
                }, this);
                return this;

        window.WineView = Backbone.View.extend({
            template: _.template($('#wine-template').html()),
            render: function() {
                return this;
        window.AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
            routes: {
                '': 'home',
                'wines/:id': "wineDetails"
            home: function() {
                this.wineList = new WineCollection();

                this.wineListV = new WineListView({
                    model: this.wineList
                this.wineList.fetch({success: function(){
                    console.log(this.wineList.models); // => 2 (collection have been populated)

            wineDetails: function(id) {
                this.wine = this.wineList.get(id);
                this.wineView = new WineView({
                    model: this.wine


    var app = new AppRouter();

json.php returns: json.php返回:

      "name":"Wine 1",
      "name":"Wine 1",
      "name":"Wine 1",

I'm testing this on my localhost. 我在我的localhost上测试它。

You made a silly typo: 你犯了一个愚蠢的错字:

window.WineCollection = Backbone.Model.extend

should be 应该

window.WineCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend

Note that by convention your WineListView class should use this.collection to refer to an instance of WineCollection and Backbone collection objects provide the underscore iteration methods so instead of 请注意,按照惯例您WineListView类应该使用this.collection引用的实例WineCollection和骨干集合对象提供下划线迭代方法,从而代替

.each(this.model.models, function(wine) {


this.collection.each(function (wineModel) {

You should change 你应该改变

window.WineCollection = Backbone.Model.extend({
            model: Wine,
            url: "wine.json"



window.WineCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
            model: Wine,
            url: "wine.json"


Welcome to SO :) this is your 1st questoin so let me make it memorable one. 欢迎来到SO :)这是你的第一个questoin所以让我让它变得难忘。 when you say collection is undefined you could have provided us the Line number(or highlighted it) so that it would be easy to debug. 当你说集合undefined你可以为我们提供行号(或突出显示它),这样就可以很容易地进行调试。 inside initialize method you have to put _.bindAll(this) in the case you wanted to reference the object that you wanted to( defaults to window object ) instead of below do #1 initialize方法中你必须把_.bindAll(this)放在你想要引用你想要的对象(默认为window对象)而不是下面做#1的情况下

 _.each(this.model.models, function (wine) {
     $(this.el).append(new WineItemView({
         model: wine
 }, this);

1 1

 this.model.each(function (wine) {
     $(this.el).append(new WineItemView({
         model: wine
 }, this);

try this too 试试这个

 window.WineListView = Backbone.View.extend({
     tagName: 'ul',
     initialize: function () {
         this.model.on('reset', this.render);
     render: function () {

Just in case you got lost here is a copy of the code http://jsbin.com/axixir/edit#javascript 万一你丢失了这里是代码http://jsbin.com/axixir/edit#javascript的副本

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