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[英]In App Search in wp7 app

I've a listbox which has many items. 我有一个包含很多项目的列表框。 I'm trying to create a search bar so that a user can type in what he is looking for and my listbox displays only those items relevant to what the user has typed in textbox. 我试图创建一个搜索栏,以便用户可以键入他要查找的内容,而我的列表框仅显示与用户在文本框中键入的内容相关的那些项目。 I'm new to wp7 我是wp7的新手

First you should use MVVM for proper Layout updating. 首先,您应该使用MVVM进行正确的Layout更新。 Then use additional property and bind it to TextBox . 然后使用其他属性并将其绑定到TextBox When property was updated - rise another property changed event to update ListBox ( FirePropertyChanged("FooList"); in snippet). 更新属性后-引发另一个属性更改事件以更新ListBoxFirePropertyChanged("FooList"); )。

public class Foo
    public string Name { get; set; }

in ViewModel : ViewModel

public string SearchCriteria
         return searchCriteria;
         serchCriteria = value;
private List<Foo> fooList;

public List<Foo> FooList
       return fooList.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(searchCriteria)); 

in Xaml : Xaml

<TextBox x:Name="searchText" Text={Binding SearchCriteria, Mode=TwoWay} />
<ListBox x:Name="elementsList" ItemsSource={Binding FooList, Mode=TwoWay}>

Some help links for better understanding MVVM pattern: 一些帮助链接可帮助您更好地了解MVVM模式:

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