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[英]Converting image to black and white and use it as array

I'm trying to convert a colored image to a black and white one. 我正在尝试将彩色图像转换为黑白图像。

The original image is the following: 原始图像如下:

I have a few problems. 我有几个问题。 First: 第一:

import pylab as pl
import Image

im = Image.open('joconde.png')


I get this: 我得到这个:


Why is it rotated? 为什么要旋转? That's not the point but I'd like to know why. 那不是重点,但是我想知道为什么。

im_gray = im.convert('1')


And here is the processed black and white image: 这是经过处理的黑白图像:

Now everything looks working. 现在一切看起来都正常了。 But I need to use that image as a numpy array in order to do some image processing. 但是我需要将该图像用作numpy数组,以便进行一些图像处理。 All I have to do is this: 我要做的就是:

import numpy as np

im_arr = np.array(im_gray)


But I get this: 但是我得到这个:

Why is this happening? 为什么会这样呢? I tried also: 我也尝试过:

im_arr = np.array(im_gray, dtype='float')

or: 要么:

im_arr = np.asarray(im_gray)

But nothing seems working. 但是似乎没有任何效果。 Maybe the problem is in the show method but I don't know. 也许问题出在show方法中,但我不知道。

Your image is rotated because of an origin problem. 由于原点问题,图像被旋转。

If you use this snippet, the image will not be rotated upside-down. 如果使用此代码段,则图像不会上下翻转。

pl.imshow(im, origin='lower')

You could also simply use im.show() to display the image. 您也可以只使用im.show()来显示图像。

Now, back to the original question. 现在,回到原来的问题。 I think the problem comes from the fact that pylab cannot handle bilevel images. 我认为问题出在pylab无法处理双层图像这一事实。 You certainly want to use a greyscale image and thus do this 您当然要使用灰度图像,然后执行此操作

import pylab as pl
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import numpy as np
import Image

im = Image.open('your/image/path')
im_grey = im.convert('L') # convert the image to *greyscale*
im_array = np.array(im_grey)
pl.imshow(im_array, cmap=cm.Greys_r)

The problem is in the way you convert the image into numpy array. 问题在于您将图像转换为numpy数组的方式。 If you look at what the outputs from the functions are this becomes clear 如果您看一下这些函数的输出是什么,这将变得很清楚

>> np.array(im_gray)
array([[False, False, False, ...,  True, False, False],
   [ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True, False],
   [ True,  True,  True, ...,  True,  True, False],
   [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
   [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False],
   [False, False, False, ..., False, False, False]], dtype=bool)

That can't be right. 那是不对的。 pl.imshow takes an array of floats uint8 or PIL image, not an array of booleans. pl.imshow采用floats uint8PIL图像数组,而不是布尔数组。 So you need to do the conversion into an array more explicitly, making sure to 因此,您需要更明确地将其转换为数组,并确保

cols,rows = im_gray.size
pixels = list(im_gray.getdata())

# an indexer into the flat list of pixels
# head ranges from 0 to len(pixels) with step cols
# tail ranges from cols to len(pixels) with step cols
head_tail = zip(range(0,len(pixels)+1,cols),range(cols,len(pixels)+1,cols))
im_data = np.ndarray(shape=(cols,rows), dtype=np.uint8)

# extract each row of pixels and save it to the numpy array
for i,(head,tail) in enumerate(head_tail):
    im_data[i] = np.array(pixels[head:tail], dtype=np.uint8)

pl.imshow(im_data, cmap='bone')

The final pl.imshow requires you to define a colormap. 最终的pl.imshow需要您定义一个颜色图。 The 'bone' colormap is black and white. 'bone'颜色图是黑白的。 I presume passing a PIL image into the functions defines the colormap automagically. 我假定将PIL图像传递到函数中以自动定义颜色图。

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