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[英]Unity via configuration - property dependency injection in generic base class

I got lost searching for solution to this problem: 我迷失了寻找解决此问题的方法:

I have interface: 我有界面:

public interface ITestService

Then, I have base class with that implements that interface and has other service as property: 然后,我有一个实现该接口的基类,并具有其他服务作为属性:

public class BaseTestServiceImpl<T> : ITestService, IDisposable where T : class
    protected T GenericProperty;

    public IOtherService OtherService;

    public void ExampleMethodFromBase()

    public void Dispose()

Finally, I have several classes that inherit that base class. 最后,我有几个继承该基类的类。 Example for one of them: 其中之一的示例:

public class SpecificTestServiceImpl : BaseTestServiceImpl<SomeType>
    public void ExampleMethodFromSpecific()

Controller that calls methods from SpecificTestServiceImpl looks like this: SpecificTestServiceImpl调用方法的控制器如下所示:

public class TestController : Controller
    public BaseTestServiceImpl<SomeType> TestService { get; set; }

    public JsonResult TestAction()

Unity configuration looks like this: Unity配置如下所示:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    <section name="unity" type="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.UnityConfigurationSection, Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration"/>

    <unity xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/practices/2010/unity">
        <alias alias="transient" type="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.TransientLifetimeManager, Microsoft.Practices.Unity" />
        <alias alias="MyType" type="SomeType" />
        <register name="otherService" type="IOtherService" mapTo="OtherServiceImpl">
            <lifetime type="singleton" />
        <register type="ITestService" mapTo="BaseTestServiceImpl`1[]">
            <lifetime type="transient" />
            <property name="OtherService" dependencyName="otherService" />
        <register name="TestService" type="BaseTestServiceImpl`1[MyType]" mapTo="SpecificTestServiceImpl">
            <lifetime type="singleton" />

Everything is resolved just fine, until the moment TestAction from TestController is called. 一切都可以很好地解决,直到调用TestController的 TestAction为止。 Then I get NullPointerException in this line: 然后在此行中得到NullPointerException:


in ExampleMethodFromSpecific method from SpecificTestServiceImpl . SpecificTestServiceImpl中的ExampleMethodFromSpecific方法中。

It looks like Unity skips parent property injection in child classes. 看起来Unity跳过了子类中的父属性注入。

Can this be done? 能做到吗? I've tried setting other lifetime managers to BaseTestServiceImpl registration, but it failed the same way. 我尝试将其他生命周期管理器设置为BaseTestServiceImpl注册,但是以相同的方式失败。

Please, help. 请帮忙。 I'm lost. 我迷路了。 :( :(

Thanx in advance. 提前感谢。

Now it's been a while since I used unity, and I do prefer to have the config fully in code, but: The requested type in the controller is [Dependency("TestService")] which is configured as a SpecificTestServiceImpl which in turn has not been configured. 自从我使用unity以来已经有一段时间了,我更喜欢完全在代码中使用配置,但是:控制器中请求的类型是[Dependency("TestService")] ,它被配置为SpecificTestServiceImpl ,而后者又没有已配置。 I would have thought that Unity would have told you that SpecificTestServiceImpl is not configured, but perhaps it does use the mapped type, which is concrete 我以为Unity会告诉您没有配置SpecificTestServiceImpl ,但是也许它确实使用了映射类型,这是具体的

I just have to add that this mix of public members, interfaces, injected concrete types is rather poorly encapsulated logic and removes quite a lot of the value that a proper design would. 我只需要补充一点,公共成员,接口,注入的具体类型的这种混合是相当差的封装逻辑,并且消除了适当设计可能带来的很多价值。 The test controller should preferably request an interface ISomeTypeTestService (or similar), which in turn could be mapped to the BaseTestServiceImpl, or it could be a named ITestService which could be requested as it is now 测试控制器最好应请求一个ISomeTypeTestService接口(或类似接口),该接口又可以映射到BaseTestServiceImpl,或者可以是一个命名的ITestService,可以像现在这样被请求

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