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[英]How do I create a criteria where the parameter is a member of a collection field on the table?

I have a class that has the following structure: 我有一个具有以下结构的类:

public class Machine {
    private Set<Line> lines;

Now what I want to to is create a query with Criteria where I can get all the machines that contain a specific line. 现在,我要使用Criteria创建一个查询,在其中可以获取包含特定行的所有计算机。

I noticed Criteria has a Restrictions.in() but that checks whether a field of the table is in a Collection and I want to do it the other way around. 我注意到Criteria有一个Restrictions.in(),但是它检查表的字段是否在Collection中,而我想用另一种方法来做。

Thanks for helping me out, Cheers, Stef 感谢您的帮助,干杯,Stef

Following Hibernate documentation should help: http://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.0/manual/en-US/html/querycriteria.html#querycriteria-associations 下列Hibernate文档应该会有所帮助: http : //docs.jboss.org/hibernate/orm/4.0/manual/en-US/html/querycriteria.html#querycriteria-associations

Basically you'll need to create a 2nd criteria that refers to the elements of lines of the Machine class. 基本上,您需要创建一个第二个条件,该条件引用Machine类的各lines元素。 ie

Criteria machineCriteria = session.createCriteria(Machine.class);
Criteria lineCriteria = machineCriteria.createCriteria("lines");
lineCriteria.add(Restrictions.eq("fieldNameOfLineClass", valueOfFieldNameOfLineClass);

I find this syntax more meaningful as well as more compact. 我发现此语法更有意义且更紧凑。 Presuming that you have the id of a Line instance in your hand this would get you what you want. 假设您手中有Line实例的ID,这将为您提供所需的东西。

    // we have a Long lineId
    Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Machine.class)
        .createAlias("lines", "line")
        .add(Restrictions.eq("line.id", lineId);

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