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[英]Passing Date parameter from C# WinForm to SQL stored procedure

I have a form with 2 dateTimePicker controls ( dtpStart and dtpEnd ), a button, and a datagridview to show results. 我有一个带有2个dateTimePicker控件( dtpStartdtpEnd ),一个按钮和一个datagridview的表单,用于显示结果。 The datagridview is bound to a bindingSource control. datagridview绑定到bindingSource控件。

I want to pass two date parameters from the dateTimePicker controls to the stored procedure in order to return the required scope on my datagridview. 我想将两个date参数从dateTimePicker控件传递到存储过程,以便在我的datagridview上返回所需的范围。

My stored procedure looks like this: 我的存储过程如下所示:

CREATE PROC [dbo].[ProcTest](@StartDate date, @EndDate date)
SELECT * FROM Test WHERE ModifiedDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

My C# code is: 我的C#代码是:

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        dc = new NorthwindDataContext();

        var Qry = dc.ProcTest(dtpStart.Value, dtpEnd.Value);
        bindingSource1.DataSource = Qry;

When I run the code above I receive nothing on my datagrid, the dtpEnd.value shows: 13/08/2012 02:15:29 , I assume that this is a conversion issue since I use date type in my stored procedure and the datetimepicker value is a dateTime type. 当我运行上面的代码时,我的数据网格上什么也没收到, dtpEnd.value显示: 13/08/2012 02:15:29 ,由于我在存储过程和datetimepicker使用了date类型,因此我认为这是一个转换问题。值是dateTime类型。

Please, how to resolve this ? 请,如何解决这个问题?

You need to retrieve the results of your query, eg: 您需要检索查询的结果,例如:

bindingSource1.DataSource = Qry.ToList();

I don't think the issue is with the Date parameter at all. 我根本不认为问题与Date参数有关。 That's supported according to: 支持根据:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb386947.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb386947.aspx

Instead of this 代替这个

var Qry = dc.ProcTest(dtpStart.Value, dtpEnd.Value);

use this and check if your problem get solved. 使用它并检查您的问题是否得到解决。

var Qry = dc.ProcTest(dtpStart.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"), dtpEnd.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy"));

Thanks to the link provided by Dave R.: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb386947.aspx I found out that my code could work without any modification. 多亏了Dave R.提供的链接: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/bb386947.aspx,我发现我的代码无需任何修改即可工作。 So I searched the error first by removing parameters from SP, then I found that I had to create a new datasource object pointing to the result of the SP , and to bind it at design time to the datagridview. 因此,我首先通过从SP中删除参数来搜索错误,然后发现我必须创建一个指向SP结果的数据源对象 ,并在设计时将其绑定到datagridview。 Now the datagrid shows data and parameters are working. 现在,数据网格显示数据和参数正在工作。

Sorry Guys, I had to verify that before posting my question, but I was very confused about Date parameters usage. 抱歉,在发布问题之前,我必须验证这一点,但是我对Date参数的使用感到非常困惑。

so I Keep the code as it is in the initial question: 所以我保留了最初问题中的代码:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    dc = new NorthwindDataContext();

    var Qry = dc.ProcTest(dtpStart.Value, dtpEnd.Value);
    bindingSource1.DataSource = Qry;

I beleive you need to send the date, not the value of your datetime picker. 我相信您需要发送日期,而不是日期时间选择器的值。

Basically, change this line: 基本上,更改此行:

var Qry = dc.ProcTest(dtpStart.Value, dtpEnd.Value);

To read: 读书:

var Qry = dc.ProcTest(dtpStart.SelectedDate.Value, dtpEnd.SelectedDate.Value);

If that still doesn't work I would try: 如果那仍然不起作用,我可以尝试:

var Qry = dc.ProcTest(dtpStart.SelectedDate.Value.Date, dtpEnd.SelectedDate.Value.Date);

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