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[英]Bulk optimization of images

My client uploaded about 500 images to the server, none of which are optimized. 我的客户向服务器上传了约500张图像,但都没有进行优化。 Most are only 800x600 or so yet are weighing in as 700 KB - 1.5 MB files. 大多数文件只有800x600左右,却重达700 KB-1.5 MB文件。 Obviously there is a lot of room for optimization here. 显然,这里有很多优化的空间。 I tried doing something locally http://imageoptim.com/ ), but it's maxing out my laptop and taking way too long to churn through. 我尝试在本地进行一些操作( http://imageoptim.com/ ),但这使我的笔记本电脑消耗max尽,花费的时间太长而无法翻阅。 I tried doing something server side (with http://lyncd.com/2009/03/imgopt-lossless-optimize-png-jpeg/ ) on my VPS, but that also seems to be taking way too long (we're talking 9 hours to go through 30 images). 我尝试在VPS上进行服务器端操作(使用http://lyncd.com/2009/03/imgopt-lossless-optimize-png-jpeg/ ),但这似乎花费的时间也太长(我们正在谈论9小时浏览30张图片)。

Is there a more efficient way to do this? 有没有更有效的方法可以做到这一点? Something like the (now defunct) smush.it API would be perfect. 像(现在已不存在)smush.it API这样的东西将是完美的。

I'd stick with imageoptim, you can tweak the settings to use different techniques to get it a bit faster. 我坚持使用imageoptim,您可以调整设置以使用不同的技术来使其更快一点。

It shouldn't take too long doing that – typically for me that many images takes around 10 minutes, but it depends on exactly what they are. 这样做的时间不应该太长-通常对我而言,许​​多图像大约需要10分钟,但这取决于它们的确切位置。

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