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[英]libxml2 get validation errors

I am using libxml2 to validate an xml file against an xsd schema. 我正在使用libxml2来针对xsd模式验证xml文件。 Using xmlSchemaSetParserErrors function, errors are output to stderr. 使用xmlSchemaSetParserErrors函数,错误将输出到stderr。 I need to get these validation errors, store them in memory and display to the user. 我需要获取这些验证错误,将它们存储在内存中并显示给用户。 How can I redirect these errors ? 如何重定向这些错误? Could you provide me some examples ? 你能给我一些例子吗? Thanks, Andrea 谢谢,安德里亚

This example uses the validation callback mechanism of the parser module. 本示例使用解析器模块的验证回调机制。 The signature of callbacks expected by xmlSchemaSetParserErrors seems to be the same. xmlSchemaSetParserErrors期望的回调签名似乎相同。

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <libxml/parser.h>
#include <libxml/tree.h>

struct ParserContext
    ParserContext() : context(xmlNewParserCtxt()) {}
    ~ParserContext() { xmlFreeParserCtxt(context); }
    xmlParserCtxtPtr context;
    void operator=(ParserContext&);

struct ErrorHandler
    std::vector<std::string> errors;

    void RegisterErrorHandling(xmlValidCtxt& validationContext)
        // Change this to register for schema errors...
        validationContext.userData = this;
        validationContext.error = &ErrorHandler::Handle;

    static void Handle(void *handler, const char *format, ...)
        va_list arguments;
        va_start(arguments, format);
        std::string message = MakeMessage(format, arguments);

        ErrorHandler* errorHandler = static_cast<ErrorHandler*>(handler);

    static std::string MakeMessage(const char* format, va_list arguments)
        const size_t bufferSize = 200;
        std::vector<char> buffer(bufferSize, 0);

        size_t charactersWritten = 
            vsnprintf(&buffer.front(), bufferSize, format, arguments);
        if (charactersWritten == -1)
            buffer.back() = 0;  // Message truncated!
        return std::string(&buffer.front());

struct XmlDocument
    static XmlDocument FromFile(const char* fileName)
        ParserContext parser;
        ErrorHandler errorHandler;
        XmlDocument document(xmlCtxtReadFile(
            parser.context, fileName, NULL, XML_PARSE_DTDVALID));
        document.errors = move(errorHandler.errors);
        return document;

    XmlDocument(XmlDocument&& other) : 
        other.xmlPointer = nullptr;


    xmlDocPtr xmlPointer;
    std::vector<std::string> errors;

    XmlDocument(xmlDocPtr pointer) : xmlPointer(pointer) {}
    void operator=(XmlDocument&);

void DisplayErrorsToUser(
    const XmlDocument& document, 
    std::ostream& displayStream = std::cout)
    using namespace std;
    copy(begin(document.errors), end(document.errors),
        ostream_iterator<string>(displayStream, "\n"));

int main()
    auto xml = XmlDocument::FromFile("test.xml");

Or even more concise: 或更简洁:

void err(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, msg);
    char *val = va_arg(args,char*);

val now contains validation errors val现在包含验证错误

As said in the API documentation, xmlSchemaSetParserErrors() Set the callback functions used to handle errors for a validation context. 如API文档中所述, xmlSchemaSetParserErrors() Set the callback functions used to handle errors for a validation context.

You need to write two callback functions with respect to defined signature : 您需要针对已定义的签名编写两个回调函数:

An example could be : 例如:

void err(void *ctx, const char *msg, ...)
  char buf[1024];
  va_list args;

  va_start(args, msg);
  int len = vsnprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), msg, args);

  if(len==0) // Can't create schema validity error!
  else       // Do something to store `buf`, 
             // you may need to use void *ctx to achieve this


Then just call 然后打电话

xmlSchemaSetValidErrors(valid_ctxt_ptr, (xmlSchemaValidityErrorFunc) err, (xmlSchemaValidityWarningFunc) warn, ctx);

before calling 打电话之前


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