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[英]Convert tab delimited to XTS within R?

I have tab delimited file in format of: 我有制表符分隔文件,格式为:

Date    Time    Last    LastSize    TotVol  Bid Ask TickID  BidSize AskSize
8/23/2012   0:00:00 0.95711 1   20670   0.95711 0.95742 0   0   0
8/23/2012   0:00:04 0.9571  1   20671   0.9571  0.9574  0   0   0

I am using the function to create an XTS within R. 我正在使用该函数在R中创建XTS。

> EURUSD <- as.xts(read.zoo("C:\\Users\\caustic\\Documents\\DTN\\IQFeed\\EURUSD.FXCM_1.txt",
+                           sep='\t', 
+                           tz='',   
+                           header=T,
+                           format='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'))

I get an error of: Error in as.POSIXlt.character(x, tz, ...) : character string is not in a standard unambiguous format 我收到以下错误:as.POSIXlt.character(x,tz,...)中的错误:字符串不是标准的明确格式

The question is: How do I combine the data and time into needed POSIX format? 问题是:如何将数据和时间组合成所需的POSIX格式? Thanks 谢谢

Since OP hasn't really updated his answer, I will add one way of doing this. 由于OP尚未真正更新他的答案,因此我将添加一种执行此操作的方法。 To convert tab delimited (or CSV ) content to xts , I prefer to first read data as normal data frame and then use .xts function to convert the data.frame to xts 要将制表符分隔的内容(或CSV)转换为xts ,我更喜欢先将数据读取为普通数据帧,然后使用.xts函数将data.frame转换为xts

.xts is currently undocumented function though. .xts目前是未.xts功能。

filecontent <- 'Date    Time    Last    LastSize    TotVol  Bid Ask TickID  BidSize AskSize
8/23/2012   0:00:00 0.95711 1   20670   0.95711 0.95742 0   0   0
8/23/2012   0:00:04 0.9571  1   20671   0.9571  0.9574  0   0   0'

DF <- read.table(text = filecontent, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

DFINDEX <- paste(DF$Date, DF$Time, sep = " ")

DF.XTS <- .xts(x = DF[, 3:10], index = as.POSIXct(DFINDEX, format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S", tzone = "GMT"))

##                        Last LastSize TotVol     Bid     Ask TickID BidSize AskSize
## 2012-08-23 08:00:00 0.95711        1  20670 0.95711 0.95742      0       0       0
## 2012-08-23 08:00:04 0.95710        1  20671 0.95710 0.95740      0       0       0

正是示例4在cran.r-project.org/web/packages/zoo/vignettes/zoo-read.pdf中有效,感谢Joshua Ulrich的帮助

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