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[英]Multiple generic types in same list and calling their methods

I'm making an object validation framework in my spare time to learn a few things and maybe use it for some school projects. 我在业余时间制作一个对象验证框架来学习一些东西,并可能将它用于一些学校项目。

I have my generic Rule class, which looks something like this : 我有我的通用Rule类,它看起来像这样:

class Rule<T>
    string propertyName;
    Func<T, bool> ruleLambda;

    bool IsBroken(T value)
        return ruleLambda(value);

An object that would be validated would look a bit like this : 将被验证的对象看起来有点像这样:

class Example
    List<Rule<?>> MyRules; // can take all types of rules

    List<Rule<T>> Validate<T>(string propertyName, T value)
        List<Rule<T>> brokenRules = new List<Rule<T>>();
        foreach (Rule rule in MyRules.Where(r => r.propertyName == propertyName))
            if (rule.IsBroken(value))
        return brokenRules;

Where the T value argument would be the value of one of the Example class's properties, which can be of any type. 其中T value参数是Example类的一个属性的值,可以是任何类型。

The Validate<T> method is called whenever a property is set. 只要设置了属性,就会调用Validate<T>方法。

The problem lies with the class's list of rules. 问题在于班级的规则列表。 Specifically the List<Rule<?>> line above. 特别是上面的List<Rule<?>>行。 I want to store all the rules for a given class in the same list. 我想在同一个列表中存储给定类的所有规则。

Alas, C# doesn't have a wildcard for generic types like in Java. 唉,C#没有像Java那样的通用类型的通配符。

How should I do this? 我该怎么做?

A non-generic interface or base class utilizing objects instead of T could work, but how would I call the generic Rule's IsBroken method and not the non-generic one? 使用对象而不是T的非泛型接口或基类可以工作,但是如何调用泛型规则的IsBroken方法而不是非泛型方法呢?

I would store your rules as object inside the Example class and use Enumerable.OfType<T> to find the matching rules for a given type: 我将您的规则存储为Example类中的object ,并使用Enumerable.OfType<T>来查找给定类型的匹配规则:

class Example
    private List<object> rules;

    List<Rule<T>> Validate<T>(string propertyName, T value)
        return this.rules.OfType<Rule<T>>()
            .Where(r => r.PropertyName == propertyName && r.IsBroken(value))

In cases where I've needed something like this, I use interfaces or non-generic base classes. 在我需要这样的东西的情况下,我使用接口或非泛型基类。 For example, you could create an interface: 例如,您可以创建一个接口:

public interface IRule
  //non-generic properties & methods

public class Rule<T> : IRule

then create a list of the interfaces: 然后创建一个接口列表:

private List<IRule> MyRules;

If you want to make converting from the interface to the generic easy, you could add an extension method: 如果要从界面转换为通用easy,可以添加扩展方法:

public static Rule<T> ToGeneric<T>(this IRule rule)
  return rule as Rule<T>;

I've tried a few things and I've found something that works pretty well for my needs. 我尝试了一些东西,并且我发现了一些适合我需求的东西。 I have Rule<T> inherit from a base abstract rule class, with a generic IsBroken method: 我有一个Rule<T>从基本抽象规则类继承,使用通用的IsBroken方法:

abstract class Rule
    string propertyName;
    Func<object, bool> objectRule;

    bool IsBroken<T>(T value)
        Rule<T> rule = this as Rule<T>;
        if (rule == null)
            return objectRule(value);

        return rule.IsBroken(value);

As you can see, I try to convert the base class to its generic counterpart using the generic type parameter in the IsBroken method. 如您所见,我尝试使用IsBroken方法中的泛型类型参数将基类转换为其通用对应项。

Also, when creating a Rule<T> instance, I send a Func<object, bool> to its base class protected constructor: 此外,在创建Rule<T>实例时,我将Func<object, bool>发送到其基类保护构造函数:

public Rule(string propertyName, Func<T, bool> ruleLambda)
    : base(propertyName, ConvertToObjectFunc(ruleLambda))

With the conversion method looking like this: 转换方法如下所示:

static Func<object, bool> ConvertToObjectFunc(Func<T, bool> func)
    return new Func<object, bool>(o => func((T)o));

However, if it can't cast o to type T, it crashes. 但是,如果它无法将o转换为类型T,则会崩溃。 So I wrote this... thing: 所以我写了这个...东西:

static Func<object, bool> ConvertToObjectFunc(Func<T, bool> func)
    return new Func<object, bool>
        o =>
                T obj = (T)o;
                return func(obj);
            catch { return true; } // rule is broken by default

It's pretty ugly, but it works. 这很难看,但它确实有效。 Hope this can help anybody else. 希望这可以帮助其他人。

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