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[英]Using regex pattern in Java

I created a regex pattern that works perfect, but I can't get it working in Java: 我创建了一个完美的正则表达式模式,但我无法在Java中使用它:

(\\"|[^" ])+|"(\\"|[^"])*"

applied to 应用于

robocopy "C:\test" "C:\test2" /R:0 /MIR /NP

gives (as it should) 给(应该)

[0] => robocopy
[1] => "C:\test"
[2] => "C:\test2"
[3] => /R:0
[4] => /MIR
[5] => /NP

in group 0 according to http://myregextester.com/index.php 根据http://myregextester.com/index.php在0组中

Now, how do I get those 6 values in Java? 现在,我如何在Java中获得这6个值? I tried 我试过了

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("   (\\\"|[^\" ])+  |  \"(\\\"|[^\"])*\"   "); 
Matcher m = p.matcher(command);

System.out.println(m.matches()); // returns false

but the pattern doesn't even match anything at all? 但这种模式甚至根本不匹配任何东西?

Update The original perl regex was: 更新原始的perl正则表达式是:

(\\"|[^" ])+|"(\\"|[^"])*"

The matches() method is matching the whole string to the regex - it returns true only if the entire string is matching matches()方法将整个字符串与正则表达式匹配 - 只有在整个字符串匹配时才返回true

What you are looking for is the find() method, and get the substring using the group() method. 您正在寻找的是find()方法,并使用group()方法获取子字符串。

It is usually done by iterating: 通常通过迭代来完成:

while (m.find()) { 
  .... = m.group();
  //post processing


 Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\\\\"|[^\" ])+|\"(\\\\\"|[^\"])*\""); 

matches() tries to match the pattern on entire string. matches()尝试匹配整个字符串上的模式。 You should use find() method of the Matcher object for your case. 您应该为您的案例使用Matcher对象的find()方法。

So the solution is: 所以解决方案是:


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