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[英]How to perform MSMQ Trace

I'm looking for a way to trace MSMQ activity (API calls, or something similar) 我正在寻找一种跟踪MSMQ活动(API调用或类似方法)的方法

I saw several references mentioning ETW tracing but they weren't very clear or complete. 我看到一些参考文献提到ETW跟踪,但是它们不是很清楚或完整。

Is there a simple tutorial about this subject? 是否有关于此主题的简单教程?

There is a utility to do this. 有一个实用程序可以执行此操作。 Unfortunately, the output is encrypted and the only way to read it is by sending it to MS. 不幸的是,输出是加密的,读取输出的唯一方法是将其发送给MS。

If you have a MS support contract, I'd call them. 如果您有MS支持合同,我会给他们打电话。

http://blogs.msdn.com/b/johnbreakwell/archive/2008/07/09/latest-version-1-5-of-the-logging-script-for-msmq-3-0.aspx http://blogs.msdn.com/b/johnbreakwell/archive/2008/07/09/latest-version-1-5-of-the-logging-script-for-msmq-3-0.aspx

That blog has some great MSMQ troubleshooting tips that might also help. 该博客提供了一些很棒的MSMQ故障排除提示,这些提示也可能会有所帮助。

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