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[英]Pythonic way to find any item from a list within a string

The problem is simple enough. 问题很简单。 I'm writing a function which returns true if the string contains any of the illegal names. 我正在编写一个函数,如果该字符串包含任何非法名称,则返回true。

line is a string. line是一个字符串。

illegal_names is an iterable. illegal_names是一个可迭代的。

def has_illegal_item(line, illegal_names):
    illegal_items_found = False
    for item in illegal_names:
        if item in line:
            illegal_items_found = True
    return illegal_items_found

So this works fine, but it seems a bit clumsy and long-winded. 所以这很好用,但看起来有点笨拙和啰嗦。 Can anyone suggest a neater and more pythonic way to write this? 任何人都可以建议一个更整洁,更pythonic的方式来写这个? Could I use a list comprehension or regex? 我可以使用列表解析还是正则表达式?

any(name in line for name in illegal_names)

let's have a look on following sample: 我们来看看以下示例:

line = "This is my sample line with an illegal item: FOO"
illegal_names = ['FOO', 'BAR']

and you want now to find out whether your line contains one of the illegal names, then you do this with the widespread List Comprehension and a length check: 并且您现在想要确定您的line是否包含非法名称之一,然后使用广泛的列表理解和长度检查来执行此操作:

is_correct = not bool(len([ hit for hit in illegal_names if hit in line ]))
# or
is_correct = len([ hit for hit in illegal_names if hit in line ]) == 0

Pretty easy, short and in relation to other lambda version easy to read and unterstand. 非常简单,简短,与其他lambda版本相比易于阅读和取消。

-Colin- -Colin-

I go with @larsmans solution, but there another ways of doing it. 我选择了@larsmans解决方案,但还有另外一种方法。

def check_names(line, names):
    #names should be set
    parsed_line = set(line.replace(',', '').split())
    return bool(parsed_line.intersection(names))

This can also be written using lambda 这也可以使用lambda编写

In [57]: x = lambda line, names: bool(set(line.replace(",", "").split()).intersection(names))

In [58]: x("python runs in linux", set(["python"]))
Out[58]: True

lamdba version can be overkill of readability lamdba版本可读性太强

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