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Drupal 7:训练轮还是严肃的开发解决方案?

[英]Drupal 7 : training wheels or serious development solution?

I'm thinking of moving away from Drupal and am interested in the insight of others. 我正在考虑远离Drupal,并对他人的见识感兴趣。

I got into web development using Drupal a few years ago. 几年前,我开始使用Drupal进行Web开发。 What I liked about it is that I could put together some advanced functionality pretty fast using contributed modules, with very little knowledge of php or mysql. 我喜欢它的原因是,我可以使用贡献的模块快速组合一些高级功能,而对php或mysql的了解很少。

However I soon realized that if I want to customize anything in a drupal site, if I want it to look professional, it is necessary to code (unless for something very simple like a blog). 但是我很快意识到,如果我想自定义Drupal站点中的任何内容,如果我想让它看起来很专业,则有必要进行编码(除非对于非常简单的内容,例如博客)。 On my first drupal site I spent 90% of the time to cover the last 10% of what I wanted to do. 在我的第一个Drupal网站上,我花了90%的时间来覆盖我想做的最后10%的事情。 By the time the site was looking like what I wanted, it was so slow from the loads of modules, the custom templates, and the various hacks, that it was literally unusable on a shared hosting. 到该站点看起来像我想要的时候,它因模块,自定义模板和各种黑客的负载而变得如此缓慢,以至于它在共享主机上实际上是无法使用的。 So I moved to a dedicated server for this hobby site. 因此,我搬到了这个爱好网站的专用服务器上。

Today I'm at a point where on a given site, I use more custom modules that I do myself than the contributed ones. 今天,在某个特定站点上,我使用的自定义模块比贡献的模块更多。 I really only use views and maybe 5 core modules. 我实际上只使用视图,也许使用5个核心模块。 I realized that many modules can be replaced by 3 lines of php. 我意识到很多模块可以被3行php代替。 The problem is that many times I find out that for some reason, drupal does things its own way, the documentation on php.net is not working but the one on drupal.org is scarce, often you search until you spot that comment from someone "in the know" that will let you solve a basic problem. 问题是很多时候我发现由于某种原因,drupal会以自己的方式工作,php.net上的文档无法正常工作,但drupal.org上的文档却很少,您经常搜索直到发现某人的评论为止“知道”将使您解决一个基本问题。 I find Drupal gets in the way rather than speeds up my workflow. 我发现Drupal妨碍了我的工作,而不是加快了我的工作流程。

My takeaway is that Drupal is good for prototyping, or if you are in the business of making a lot of sites for customers (not for yourself) and don't really care whether the site scales. 我的收获是,Drupal非常适合用于原型制作,或者如果您打算为客户(而不是为自己)创建很多站点,并且真的不在乎站点是否可扩展。 Sure some big organizations can turn drupal into anything they want (whitehouse.gov etc.), because they can put the man hours into mysql query optimization, a cluster of servers, and so on. 当然,某些大型组织可以将drupal变成他们想要的任何东西(whitehouse.gov等),因为他们可以将工时投入到mysql查询优化,服务器集群等方面。

But my opinion today is that a lone developer with one server and an average level in php/jquery is better off using something else than drupal to build his web application. 但是我今天的观点是,只有一台服务器且平均水平的php / jquery开发人员比使用drupal构建Web应用程序更好。

This sounds a lot like a lack of experience if you ask me. 如果您问我,这听起来很缺乏经验。

I think everyone will agree that Drupal has a very steep learning curve, but that's because it is very powerful once you know what you're doing, particularly when used as a multisite, which sounds like it might be better for you. 我想每个人都会同意Drupal的学习曲线非常陡峭,但这是因为一旦您知道自己在做什么,特别是作为多站点使用时,它就非常强大,这听起来可能对您更好。

I would say stick with it, you might well be right on the lip of that uphill struggle! 我会坚持下去,您可能就在那艰难的斗争的边缘!

When I started out with it years ago, I was bewildered by the terminology and the fact that there were a million ways to do everything. 几年前,当我开始使用它时,我对术语和一百万种完成所有事情的方式感到困惑。 You know what, I'm glad I stuck with it, it's a great system and can be very good. 您知道什么,我很高兴自己坚持使用它,它是一个很棒的系统,并且可能非常好。

If you want to learn faster, put more time into helping others over at drupal.org, it's the fastest way to learn! 如果您想更快地学习,请在drupal.org上投入更多时间帮助他人,这是最快的学习方式!

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