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在C ++中具有复数的方程给出错误的结果

[英]equation with complex numbers giving wrong result in c++

Hi I'm getting the wrong expected result and I think it's do to std::complex, heres the result I should be getting according to matlab and here's the result if you run the code below this is the result i get , basically everything is just NAN, where did i go wrong? 嗨,我得到了错误的预期结果,我认为这是对std :: complex的影响,这是我应该根据matlab得到的结果,如果您在下面运行代码,这就是结果 ,这就是我得到的结果 ,基本上是只是NAN,我哪里出错了?


    int sign(double x){
        if(x > 0)    {
            return 1;
        else if(x < 0)    {
            return -1;
        else    {
            return 0;

    int main(){

      double alpha = 1.8;
      double beta = .35;
      double sigma = 1;
      double mu = 0.5;
      double PI = 3.1416; 
      int N = 8192;
      double h = 0.01;
      double* in_t2= new double[N]; 

     double* abs_t = new double [N]; 
     double* sign_t = new double [N];

     std::complex<double> I(0,1);
     double s = 0.01;

     s = 1/(h*N);
     for (int i=1; i<=N; i++) {
       in_t2[i-1] = 2*PI * (i - 1 - N/2)*s; // x1


     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
       abs_t[i] = std::abs(in_t2[i]);

     for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
       sign_t[i] = sign(in_t2[i]);

      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){ 
        //where i suspect the error is..

        phi[i] = pow(abs_t[i],sign_t[i]);

      for ( int i = 0; i< N; i++){
        if (in_t2[i] == 0){
          phi[i] = 0;
        phi[i] = std::exp(phi[i]);

      return 0;

The pow function called here pow函数在这里调用

pow((-1.0*abs_t[i]), alpha)

is the one for double arguments and results, which returns a NaN for negative bases. 是用于double参数和结果的值,对于负底数返回NaN。

std::pow will return the same type that is passed to it. std::pow将返回传递给它的相同类型。

If you need a std::complex to be returned from std::pow() , you must pass a std::complex to the function. 如果您需要std::complex从返回std::pow()您必须通过std::complex的功能。

You can easily solve this by casting any expression 您可以通过强制转换任何表达式来轻松解决此问题

pow( expression )

to: 至:

pow( std::complex( expression ) )

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