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[英]Graphviz: how to arrange nodes with circo layout

I'm trying to draw a graph with circle topology. 我正在尝试使用圆形拓扑绘制图形。

Here is what I'm expecting to see: 这是我期待看到的: 在此输入图像描述

Here is my gv file: 这是我的gv文件:

digraph g1 {
    node [shape = doublecircle]; N4 N6;
    node [shape = circle];
    N0 -> N1 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N1 -> N2 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N2 -> N3 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N3 -> N4 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N4 -> N5 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N5 -> N6 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N6 -> N0 [ label = "{1,0}"];

    N0 -> N4 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N1 -> N5 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N2 -> N6 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N3 -> N0 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N4 -> N1 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N5 -> N2 [ label = "{1,0}"];
    N6 -> N3 [ label = "{1,0}"];    

And here is an output image for graph above: 这是上图的输出图像: 在此输入图像描述

How can I arrange nodes in graphviz to make it look like 1 ? 如何在graphviz中安排节点使其看起来像1

If the goal is to have a graph which respects the order of the nodes, it's not that simple. 如果目标是拥有一个尊重节点顺序的图形,那就不那么简单了。 You could calculate the position of the nodes with an external script and render it with neato . 您可以使用外部脚本计算节点的位置,并使用neato进行渲染

Or you could first layout the nodes with the edges which determine the correct order of the nodes only: 或者您可以首先使用边来布局节点,这些边仅确定节点的正确顺序:

digraph g1 {
    node [shape = doublecircle]; N4 N6;
    node [shape = circle];
    N0 -> N1 -> N2 -> N3 -> N4 -> N5 -> N6 -> N0;

with: 有:

circo graph.gv > tempgraph.gv

Then add the remaining edges to tempgraph.gv - just copy-paste the following before the closing } : 然后将剩余的边添加到tempgraph.gv - 只需在结束前复制粘贴以下内容}

N0 -> N4 [ label = "{1,0}"];
N1 -> N5 [ label = "{1,0}"];
N2 -> N6 [ label = "{1,0}"];
N3 -> N0 [ label = "{1,0}"];
N4 -> N1 [ label = "{1,0}"];
N5 -> N2 [ label = "{1,0}"];
N6 -> N3 [ label = "{1,0}"];

And render it with neato and the -n option: 并使用neato-n选项呈现它:

neato -n tempgraph.gv -Tpng -O

You may want to fine-tune the position of the labels: 您可能需要微调标签的位置:


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