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[英]Transposing data into multiple columns

I have numbers of clients and each client has 67 records. 我有很多客户,每个客户有67条记录。

The record contains Activities, Dates, IDs, flags and many other columns. 该记录包含活动,日期,ID,标志和许多其他列。

I would like the Activities names to be the headings and Dates underneath to those Activity headings. 我希望活动名称是这些活动标题下的标题和日期。

I am trying to explain it more using the tables below. 我想用下面的表格来解释它。 This is the current output: 这是当前的输出:

Client  Activity    Date 
1       A           21/15
1       B           5/5/2012
1       C           51/3115
1       D           54/6/84
2       A           8/6/99
2       B           1/1/2011
2       C           8/4
2       D           9/81/1
3       A           6/51/8
3       B           1/61/8
3       C           1/31
3       D           3/2/1

And I would like it to be: 我希望它是:

Client      A       B         C         D
1           21/15   5/5/2012  51/31/15  54/6/84
2           8/6/99  1/1/2011  8/4       9/81/1
3           6/51/8  1/61/8    1/31      3/2/1

You will want to use the PIVOT function for this. 您将需要使用PIVOT功能。 If you know the number of columns to transform then you can hard-code it via a static pivot: 如果您知道要转换的列数,则可以通过静态数据透视表对其进行硬编码:

select *
  select client, activity, dt
  from yourtable
) x
  for activity in ([A], [B], [C], [D])
) p

see SQL Fiddle with Demo 看看SQL Fiddle with Demo

If you have an unknown number of columns then use a dynamic version: 如果您的列数未知,则使用动态版本:

    @query  AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

select @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(activity) 
                    from yourtable
            FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE
            ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') 

set @query = 'SELECT client,' + @cols + ' from 
              select client, activity, dt
              from yourtable
            ) x
                for activity in (' + @cols + ')
            ) p '


see SQL Fiddle with Demo 看看SQL Fiddle with Demo

Finally, this can also be done with a CASE statement and an aggregate function (See SQL Fiddle with Demo ): 最后,这也可以使用CASE语句和聚合函数来完成(请参阅SQL Fiddle with Demo ):

select client,
  max(case when activity = 'A' then dt end) as A,
  max(case when activity = 'B' then dt end) as B,
  max(case when activity = 'C' then dt end) as C,
  max(case when activity = 'D' then dt end) as D
from yourtable
group by client

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