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[英]Melt a table (data.frame) based on values of comma-separated character vector column

I'm doing an experiment where I have "regions" with some associated statistic (actually many other statistics and descriptive columns), and a comma-separated list of genes that lie in those regions. 我正在做一个实验,其中我有“区域”和一些相关的统计数据(实际上有许多其他统计数据和描述性列),以及位于这些区域的逗号分隔的基因列表。 This list will be variable in number, and may not contain anything ("NA"). 此列表的编号可变,并且可能不包含任何内容(“NA”)。

How can I "melt" table a: 我怎样才能“融化”表格a:

  region_id  statistic      genelist
          1        2.5       A, B, C
          2        0.5    B, C, D, E
          3        3.2          <NA>
          4        0.1          E, F

To create another table with a separate entry for each gene in the list of genes? 为基因列表中的每个基因创建另一个具有单独条目的表格? Ie

   region_id statistic gene
           1       2.5    A
           1       2.5    B
           1       2.5    C
           2       0.5    B
           2       0.5    C
           2       0.5    D
           2       0.5    E
           3       3.2 <NA>
           4       0.1    E
           4       0.1    F

I'm guessing there's a way to do this with R/plyr, but I'm not sure how. 我猜是有办法用R / plyr做这个,但我不知道怎么做。 Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Edit: 编辑:

Using R you can recreate these toy vectors with this code: 使用R,您可以使用以下代码重新创建这些玩具向量:

a <- structure(list(region_id = 1:4, statistic = c(2.5, 0.5, 3.2, 
0.1), genelist = structure(c(1L, 2L, NA, 3L), .Label = c("A, B, C", 
"B, C, D, E", "E, F"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("region_id", 
"statistic", "genelist"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

b <- structure(list(region_id = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 
4L, 4L), statistic = c(2.5, 2.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 3.2, 
0.1, 0.1), gene = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, NA, 
5L, 6L), .Label = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("region_id", 
"statistic", "gene"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

A data.table solution for time, memory and coding efficiency data.table于时间,内存和编码效率的data.table解决方案

DT <- data.table(a)
DT[, list(statistic, 
          gene = unlist(strsplit(as.character(genelist), ', ' ))),
   by = list(region_id)]

Or you could use the nice formatting of of list from data.table version >= 1.8.2 或者你可以使用data.table version> = 1.8.2中列表的漂亮格式

DTL <- DT[, list(statistic, 
         gene = strsplit(as.character(genelist), ', ' )),
    by = list(region_id)]

##    region_id statistic    gene
## 1:         1       2.5   A,B,C
## 2:         2       0.5 B,C,D,E
## 3:         3       3.2      NA
## 4:         4       0.1     E,F

In which case gene is a list of lists 在这种情况下, gene是一个列表列表

DTL[region_id == 1,unlist(gene)]
## [1] "A" "B" "C"
DTL[region_id == 2,unlist(gene)]
## [1] "B" "C" "D" "E"
# or if the following is of interest
DTL[statistic < 2,unlist(gene)]
## [1] "B" "C" "D" "E" "E" "F"

etc 等等

Simply split the fields, then split the genes and print one line per gene. 简单地分割字段,然后分割基因并打印每个基因一行。 You can try this out in a script by replacing <DATA> with <> and using the input file as argument to the perl script, eg perl script.pl input.txt . 您可以在脚本中尝试将<DATA>替换为<>并使用输入文件作为perl脚本的参数,例如perl script.pl input.txt

use strict;
use warnings;

while (<DATA>) {
    chomp;                                   # remove newline
    my ($reg, $stat, $gene) = split /\t/;    # split fields
    my @genes = split /,\s*/, $gene;         # split genes
    for (@genes) {
        local $\ = "\n";                 # adds newline to print
        print join "\t", $reg, $stat, $_;

region_id   statistic   genelist
1   2.5 A, B, C
2   0.5 B, C, D, E
3   3.2 <NA>
4   0.1 E, F

Output: 输出:

region_id       statistic       genelist
1       2.5     A
1       2.5     B
1       2.5     C
2       0.5     B
2       0.5     C
2       0.5     D
2       0.5     E
3       3.2     <NA>
4       0.1     E
4       0.1     F

There are a few ways to do it. 有几种方法可以做到这一点。 This way works, although there may be better ways... 这种方式有效,尽管可能有更好的方法......

library(stringr) # for str_split
join(subset(a, select=c("region_id", "statistic")), 
     ddply(a, .(region_id), summarise, gene=str_split(genelist, ",\\S*")[[1]]))

Needs plyr and stringr loaded. 需要plyr和stringr加载。

Oh, here's a better way: 哦,这是一个更好的方法:

ddply(a, .(region_id), 
      function(x) data.frame(gene=str_split(x$genelist, ",\\S*")[[1]], 

Here is a way to do it without any libraries: 这是一种没有任何库的方法:

data<-cbind(region_id=1:4, statistic=c(2.5, 0.5, 3.2, 0.1), genelist=c("A, B, C", "B, C, D, E", NA, "E, F"))

        apply(data, 1, 
              function(r) do.call(expand.grid, 
                                    strsplit(r[3], ", ")))))

Output: 输出:

      region_id statistic genelist
1          1       2.5        A
2          1       2.5        B
3          1       2.5        C
4          2       0.5        B
5          2       0.5        C
6          2       0.5        D
7          2       0.5        E
8          3       3.2     <NA>
9          4       0.1        E
10         4       0.1        F


ddply(a, .(region_id), transform, gene = str_split(genelist, ',')[[1]])

A Perl solution: Perl解决方案:

print "region_id\tstatistic\tgene\n";
while(<>) {
  my ($reg, $stat, $genes) = split /\s+/, $_, 3;
  foreach my $gene (split /,\s*/, $genes) {
     print "$reg\t$stat\t$gene\n";

Just pipe the original file through this script into the output file. 只需通过此脚本将原始文件传输到输出文件中。

Currently the output values are tab-seperated and not right-flushed, but you can fix that if it is really needed. 目前,输出值是制表符分隔而不是右刷新,但如果确实需要,您可以修复它。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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