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boost转换迭代器和c ++ 11 lambda

[英]boost transform iterator and c++11 lambda

I'm trying to use boost::adaptors::transformed by providing a c++0x lambda to the adaptor. 我试图通过向适配器提供c ++ 0x lambda来使用boost :: adapters :: transformed。

The following code does not compile. 以下代码无法编译。 I'm using g++ 4.6.2 with boost 1.48. 我正在使用g ++ 4.6.2和boost 1.48。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>

using namespace std;
namespace br    = boost::range;
namespace badpt = boost::adaptors;

int main()
  vector<int> a = {0,3,1,};
  vector<int> b = {100,200,300,400};

  auto my_ftor = [&b](int r)->int{return b[r];};


Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here? 关于我在这里做错了什么的想法?

It's well known issue. 这是众所周知的问题。 Look here 看这里

http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/range-cannot-use-lambda-predicate-in-adaptor-with-certain-algorithms-td3560157.html http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/range-cannot-use-lambda-predicate-in-adaptor-with-certain-algorithms-td3560157.html

Shortly, you should use this macro 不久,你应该使用这个宏


for use decltype instead of boost::result_of . 使用decltype而不是boost::result_of

Quote from here 这里引用

If your compiler supports decltype, then you can enable automatic result type deduction by defining the macro BOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE, as in the following example. 如果您的编译器支持decltype,那么您可以通过定义宏BOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE来启用自动结果类型推导,如下例所示。

Well lambdas don't play nice, since they are not default constructible, which is necessary for iterators. Lambdas不好玩,因为它们不是默认构造的,这对迭代器来说是必要的。 Here is a wrapper I use for lambdas: 这是我用于lambdas的包装器:

#define RETURNS(...) -> decltype(__VA_ARGS__) { return (__VA_ARGS__); }

template<class Fun>
struct function_object
    boost::optional<Fun> f;

    function_object(Fun f): f(f)

    function_object(const function_object & rhs) : f(rhs.f)

    // Assignment operator is just a copy construction, which does not provide
    // the strong exception guarantee.
    function_object& operator=(const function_object& rhs)
        if (this != &rhs)
            new (this) function_object(rhs);
        return *this;

    template<class F>
    struct result

    template<class F, class T>
    struct result<F(T)>
        typedef decltype(std::declval<Fun>()(std::declval<T>())) type;

    template<class T>
    auto operator()(T && x) const RETURNS((*f)(std::forward<T>(x)))

    template<class T>
    auto operator()(T && x) RETURNS((*f)(std::forward<T>(x)))

template<class F>
function_object<F> make_function_object(F f)
    return function_object<F>(f);

Then you can just do this: 然后你可以这样做:

int main()
  vector<int> a = {0,3,1,};
  vector<int> b = {100,200,300,400};

  cout<<*br::max_element(a|badpt::transformed(make_function_object([&b](int r)->int{return b[r];};)))<<endl;

@ForEver's answer ( #define BOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE ) didn't work for me. @ ForEver的答案( #define BOOST_RESULT_OF_USE_DECLTYPE )对我不起作用。 And @Paul's answer is too long (and too general). 而@Paul的回答太长了(而且太笼统)。 A more specific solution can be this: 更具体的解决方案可以是:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm.hpp>

using namespace std;
namespace br    = boost::range;
namespace badpt = boost::adaptors;

int main()
  vector<int> a = {0,3,1,};
  vector<int> b = {100,200,300,400};

     vector<int>* bP;                               //pointer, just to imitate lambda syntax...
     int operator()(int r) const{return (*bP)[r];}  //was my_ftor = [&b](int r)->int{return b[r];};
  } my_ftor{&b};                                    //...here


(It is 2016, Boost 1.58 and this is still broken. At least lambda without captures should fulfill the requirements of boost::transformed .) (这是2016年,Boost 1.58,这仍然是破碎的。至少没有捕获的lambda应该满足boost::transformed的要求。)

If the lambda didn't have a capture (not your case) the code would be a bit simpler OR you could use: 如果lambda没有捕获(不是你的情况),代码会更简单一点,或者你可以使用:

int(*my_ftor)(int) = [](int r)->int{return ...;}; // function pointer default constructible and callable

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