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[英]Dynamic EditorFor using template from Model

The project is currently MVC3 but could be upgraded if required. 该项目当前为MVC3,但可以根据需要进行升级。

I'm trying to get a content editor for a simple cms improved. 我正在尝试为简单的cms改进内容编辑器。 At the moment we use 目前我们使用

@Html.EditorFor(model=>model.Content) //Content is a List<EditableContent>

EditableContent has a (brand new) property of string EditorView. EditableContent具有字符串EditorView的(全新)属性。 The idea is this will name suitable editors for particular items of content. 想法是,这将为特定的内容项命名合适的编辑器。

What I want to do is use my default EditableContent template if EditorView is null, otherwise use the EditorView as the named template. 我想做的是,如果EditorView为null,请使用默认的EditableContent模板,否则,请使用EditorView作为命名模板。 I'm aware of the overload for EditorFor that takes a template, but that's going to use the same template for each item of content, but that's not what I want. 我知道带有模板的EditorFor的重载,但是将对每个内容项使用相同的模板,但这不是我想要的。

I did try taking my default template and basically doing 我确实尝试过使用默认模板,基本上

@model Website.Areas.Admin.EditableContent

@if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.EditorView))
  //Original template

Weirdly in this case, the view is located (I have a slightly custom view engine which appears to locate the view correctly). 在这种情况下,奇怪的是,该视图已定位(我有一个稍微自定义的视图引擎,看起来似乎可以正确定位该视图)。 The name of the view (via @Model.EditorView ) is emitted to the page, but @Html.EditorForModel() doesn't produce anything. 视图的名称(通过@ Model.EditorView)被发送到页面,但是@ Html.EditorForModel()不会产生任何结果。

Any ideas how I can use a custom template per item using EditorFor or similar ? 有什么想法可以使用EditorFor或类似工具针对每个项目使用自定义模板吗?

Interface 接口

interface IEditableContent
    public virtual DatabaseContext.Content Content { get; set; }

Implementation 实作

class SomeTypeEditableContent : IEditableContent
    public SomeTypeEditableContent(DatabaseContext.Content c)
        Content = c;

Service (Repository or Controller action) 服务(存储库或控制器操作)

List<IEditableContent> lEditableContent = new List<IEditableContent>();
foreach(var c in db.Contents)
    switch (c.EditorView)
    case "SomeType":
        lEditableContent.Add(new SomeTypeEditableContent(c));
        lEditableContent.Add(new DefaultEditableContent(c));

View 视图

@Html.EditorFor(model=>model.ListContent) //List<IEditableContent>

Editable SomeType Template 可编辑的SomeType模板

@model SomeTypeEditableContent
//Display this as a editable string

Default Editable Content Template 默认可编辑内容模板

@model IEditableContent
//Use default display

I'm sorry I do not have the time to test it. 抱歉,我没有时间进行测试。 Let me know how it goes and i'll edit / delete this answer if it does not. 让我知道如何进行,如果没有,我将编辑/删除此答案。 I would have posted this as a comment but I needed anotation and formating. 我会将其发布为评论,但是我需要注释和格式。 But at least it gives you an idea of what I had in mind. 但是至少它使您对我的想法有所了解。

-Edit- -编辑-

The point of this exemple is to show you that MVC framework should be able to determine the proper template for a implementated interface even if simply providing the object typed as the interface. 这个例子的目的是向您展示MVC框架应该能够为已实现的接口确定正确的模板,即使只是提供类型为接口的对象也是如此。 It will use refelction (i believe?) to find the highest class definition then look for the template. 它将使用refelction(我相信吗?)找到最高的类定义,然后寻找模板。

-Edit 2 (based off comments)- -编辑2(基于注释)-

Changed the exemple to match new specifications 更改了示例以匹配新规范

It seems weird that you are trying to override the editor template from a view that is already overriding the template. 您试图从已经覆盖模板的视图中覆盖编辑器模板似乎很奇怪。 I'm not sure if that will work (it might, but I have never tried so I don't know). 我不确定这是否行得通(可能,但是我从未尝试过,所以我不知道)。 I've already added a couple comments to your question above. 我已经在上面的问题中添加了一些评论。

If it turns out that trying to specify templates from the EditorTemplates folder doesn't work, which would be understandable, I think you could achieve what you want by introducing a custom EditorForModel() override. 如果事实证明尝试从EditorTemplates文件夹中指定模板不起作用,这是可以理解的,我认为您可以通过引入自定义EditorForModel()覆盖来实现所需的功能。 You can use David Ebbo's Razor Generator VS extension to define a razor helper that will be usable across your entire project. 您可以使用David Ebbo的Razor Generator VS扩展来定义一个可在整个项目中使用的剃刀助手。

/// /Views/Helpers/AndiEditorForExtensions.cshtml
@helper AndiEditorFor(HtmlHelper html, Website.Areas.Admin.EditableContent model) {
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.EditorView)) {
    else {
        // Call @Html.EditorFor(), which will use the default editor template (i.e., NOT your custom one defined in the database)

Then from your normal code that loads the EditableContent items from the db and displays them, call your custom extension: 然后,从从数据库加载并显示可编辑内容的常规代码中,调用自定义扩展名:



A better option might be to skip the Razor Generator altogether. 更好的选择可能是完全跳过“剃刀生成器”。 Just define a custom HtmlHelper, mimicking the EditorExtensions methods . 只需定义一个自定义的HtmlHelper,模仿EditorExtensions方法即可 Add a similar if/else to handle Model.EditorView having a value or not. 添加类似的if / else来处理Model.EditorView是否具有值。

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