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Dynamic EditorFor using template from Model

The project is currently MVC3 but could be upgraded if required.

I'm trying to get a content editor for a simple cms improved. At the moment we use

@Html.EditorFor(model=>model.Content) //Content is a List<EditableContent>

EditableContent has a (brand new) property of string EditorView. The idea is this will name suitable editors for particular items of content.

What I want to do is use my default EditableContent template if EditorView is null, otherwise use the EditorView as the named template. I'm aware of the overload for EditorFor that takes a template, but that's going to use the same template for each item of content, but that's not what I want.

I did try taking my default template and basically doing

@model Website.Areas.Admin.EditableContent

@if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.EditorView))
  //Original template

Weirdly in this case, the view is located (I have a slightly custom view engine which appears to locate the view correctly). The name of the view (via @Model.EditorView ) is emitted to the page, but @Html.EditorForModel() doesn't produce anything.

Any ideas how I can use a custom template per item using EditorFor or similar ?


interface IEditableContent
    public virtual DatabaseContext.Content Content { get; set; }


class SomeTypeEditableContent : IEditableContent
    public SomeTypeEditableContent(DatabaseContext.Content c)
        Content = c;

Service (Repository or Controller action)

List<IEditableContent> lEditableContent = new List<IEditableContent>();
foreach(var c in db.Contents)
    switch (c.EditorView)
    case "SomeType":
        lEditableContent.Add(new SomeTypeEditableContent(c));
        lEditableContent.Add(new DefaultEditableContent(c));


@Html.EditorFor(model=>model.ListContent) //List<IEditableContent>

Editable SomeType Template

@model SomeTypeEditableContent
//Display this as a editable string

Default Editable Content Template

@model IEditableContent
//Use default display

I'm sorry I do not have the time to test it. Let me know how it goes and i'll edit / delete this answer if it does not. I would have posted this as a comment but I needed anotation and formating. But at least it gives you an idea of what I had in mind.


The point of this exemple is to show you that MVC framework should be able to determine the proper template for a implementated interface even if simply providing the object typed as the interface. It will use refelction (i believe?) to find the highest class definition then look for the template.

-Edit 2 (based off comments)-

Changed the exemple to match new specifications

It seems weird that you are trying to override the editor template from a view that is already overriding the template. I'm not sure if that will work (it might, but I have never tried so I don't know). I've already added a couple comments to your question above.

If it turns out that trying to specify templates from the EditorTemplates folder doesn't work, which would be understandable, I think you could achieve what you want by introducing a custom EditorForModel() override. You can use David Ebbo's Razor Generator VS extension to define a razor helper that will be usable across your entire project.

/// /Views/Helpers/AndiEditorForExtensions.cshtml
@helper AndiEditorFor(HtmlHelper html, Website.Areas.Admin.EditableContent model) {
    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Model.EditorView)) {
    else {
        // Call @Html.EditorFor(), which will use the default editor template (i.e., NOT your custom one defined in the database)

Then from your normal code that loads the EditableContent items from the db and displays them, call your custom extension:



A better option might be to skip the Razor Generator altogether. Just define a custom HtmlHelper, mimicking the EditorExtensions methods . Add a similar if/else to handle Model.EditorView having a value or not.

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