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Active Directory用户在我们的办公室域以外时无法访问桌面和我的文档

[英]Active Directory user unable to access desktop and my Documents when out of our office domain

One of our office user needs to take his computer home to work and obviously he is out of our office domain. 我们的一名办公室用户需要将计算机带回家上班,显然他不在我们的办公室范围内。 He is able to logon to his domain account but couldn't see his desktop and my documents. 他能够登录到他的域帐户,但是看不到他的桌面和我的文档。 Refresh the desktop will see the error: 刷新桌面将看到错误:

\\nydc1\..\..... is not accessible. You might not have permission to use the network resource.

The weird thing is we have another user that needs to do the same thing but able to see his cached version of desktop and my documents when working from home. 奇怪的是,我们有另一个用户需要执行相同的操作,但在家中工作时却能够看到他的桌面和我的文档的缓存版本。 Of course both users belong to the same domain, and both machine own a fresh install of Window 7 Professional. 当然,两个用户都属于同一个域,并且两台计算机都拥有Windows 7 Professional的全新安装。

Is there a group policy or setting that I need to configure on my domain controller? 我需要在域控制器上配置组策略或设置吗? Please help! 请帮忙!

Thanks. 谢谢。

OK I figured. 好吧,我想通了。 This is actually not an AD problem. 这实际上不是AD问题。 The user's computer doesn't have offline file access enabled in Control Panel. 用户的计算机没有在“控制面板”中启用脱机文件访问。 Once that is enabled he is able to access file offline now. 启用后,他现在可以脱机访问文件。

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