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如何将用户添加到Active Directory中的特定域

[英]How to add user to a specific domain in Active Directory

I need to add a specific user to a domain using New-ADUser cmdlet. 我需要使用New-ADUser cmdlet将特定用户添加到域中。 But i don't know how to add the user to a specific domain (ex-@CCC).Which parameter should i set in order to do so. 但是我不知道如何将用户添加到特定域(例如,@ CCC)。为此,我应该设置哪个参数。

You can point the Cmdlet at the domain controller of the domain you want to add the user to using -Server "DomainControler.Domain.com" parameter. 您可以使用-Server "DomainControler.Domain.com"参数将Cmdlet指向要向其添加用户的域的域控制器。 This will create the user in the default OU on that domain controller unless it's told otherwise using the -path parameter. 除非使用-path参数告知,否则这将在该域控制器上的默认 OU创建用户。

If you have both domains running on a single domain control then you can just change the OU to that of the desired domain. 如果两个域都在单个域控件上运行,则只需将OU更改为所需域的OU -Path "ou=mfg,dc=noam,dc=corp,dc=contoso,dc=com"

For more help on parameters see this link . 有关参数的更多帮助,请参见此链接

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