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如何在用户的Active Directory中添加分散组?

[英]How to add the distrubtion group in Active Directory for a user?

How to add the distrubtion group from Powershell in Active Directory ? 如何在Active Directory中从Powershell添加分散组?

I have user in active directory and i want to add the user into particular group rather than going and server because that part is going to be outsourced. 我在活动目录中有用户,我想将用户添加到特定的组中,而不是添加到服务器中,因为这部分将要外包。

so how to add the distrubution group for particular user. 因此如何为特定用户添加发布组。

Here's the basic code: 这是基本代码:

$group = [adsi]"LDAP://CN=Group1,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=com" $group.member.Add('CN=User1,OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com') $ group = [adsi]“ LDAP:// CN = Group1,OU = Groups,DC = domain,DC = com” $ group.member.Add('CN = User1,OU = Users,DC = domain,DC = com ')
$group.SetInfo() $ group.SetInfo()

'Add-ADGroupMember' is useful here if you have ActiveDirectory module available. 如果您有ActiveDirectory模块可用,则“ Add-ADGroupMember”在这里很有用。 Powershell 3.0 and later have it available by default. Powershell 3.0和更高版本默认情况下可用。 Use Get-Help for syntax. 使用Get-Help语法。

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