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[英]type inference based on generic argument type (Delphi)

I'm trying to write a generic function that accepts matching parameter types. 我正在尝试编写一个接受匹配参数类型的泛型函数。
Delphi does infer the type parameter correctly in the simple case of plain arguments. Delphi确实在普通参数的简单情况下正确地推断出类型参数。

eg: 例如:

  TFoo = class
    function Pair<T>(e1, e2: T): TList<T>;

calling this with aFoo.Pair(1, 2); aFoo.Pair(1, 2);调用它aFoo.Pair(1, 2); works perfectly fine, but when I change the parameter signature to a generic type 工作得很好,但是当我将参数签名更改为泛型类型时

  TFoo = class
    function InsertInto<T>(aList: TList<T>; aVal: T): TList<T>;

and try to call it 并试着打电话给它
aFoo.InsertInto(TList<String>.Create, 'bar');

then the compiler complains about it: 然后编译器抱怨它:
E2010 Incompatible types: 'Generics.Collections.TList<uTest.TFoo.InsertInto.T>' and 'Generics.Collections.TList<System.String>'

Is there any way I can write this (or a similar) method, so that the client doesnt have to specity the type parameter? 有没有办法可以编写这个(或类似的)方法,以便客户端不必指定类型参数?
aFoo.InsertInto<String>(TList<String>.Create, 'bar');

My guess is that comes from the strongly typed nature of Delphi. 我的猜测是来自Delphi的强类型性质。
uTest.TFoo.InsertInto.T is equivalent to System.String but it's actually a different type . uTest.TFoo.InsertInto.T等同于System.String但它实际上是一个不同的类型

Much like in this example where Int1 and Int2 are not of the same type: 就像在这个例子中Int1Int2不是同一类型一样:

  Int1: array[1..10] of Integer;
  Int2: array[1..10] of Integer;
  Int1 := Int2; // <== BOOM! E2008 Incompatible types (in XE2)

The actual problem is not with type inference but with the types not being compatible per the strict rules of Pascal/Delphi. 实际问题不在于类型推断,而是根据Pascal / Delphi的严格规则,类型不兼容。

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