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使用Ruby on Rails在JSON Feed中呈现动态变量

[英]Render Dynamic Variables in JSON Feed with Ruby on Rails

I'm just looking at creating an API for our customers to interact with our main Rails 3 application. 我只是在为我们的客户创建一个API,以便与我们的主要Rails 3应用程序进行交互。

For one part, I wanted the json response to contain some a form. 一方面,我希望json响应包含某种形式。 Basically some form code that we control and appears on their site. 基本上是一些我们控制并在其网站上显示的表单代码。

I have this working ok (simplified): 我可以正常工作(简体):

def login_form
  @response = Form.find_by_something(params[:something_else])
  if @response 
    render :status=>200, :json=>{:response => @response} 

And on the client side, I can fetch: 在客户端,我可以获取:

@logins = HTTParty.get("#{set_auth_url}/api/v1/logins.json?auth_token=xyz&something_else=abc").parsed_response

And display the form 并显示表格

= @logins["response"].html_safe

The problem is, the form code has some dynamic variables: 问题是,表单代码具有一些动态变量:

For example: 例如:

<div class="login">
  <FORM name="form1" METHOD="get" action="<%= request.path %>?">
  <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="chal" VALUE="<%= params['challenge'] %>">
  <% if @current_location['success_url'] %>
    <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="userurl" VALUE="/success">
  <% end %>
  <input type="hidden" name="UserName" placeholder="Username" value="<%= @user['username']['username'] %>">
  <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="btn">

I'm wondering if this is a good idea? 我想知道这是否是个好主意? And if so, how can I break those variables out in the html?? 如果是这样,我该如何在html中分解这些变量?

If it's not, could someone recommend a nicer way to go about it. 如果不是这样,有人可以推荐一种更好的方法来解决它。

Are those variables known on server-side when preparing the response? 准备响应时,这些变量在服务器端是否已知? In that case, I'd try around with running them through templating engine :json=> { :response => ERB.new(@response).result(binding) } - client would receive only the html applicable in his case. 在那种情况下,我将尝试通过模板引擎来运行它们:json=> { :response => ERB.new(@response).result(binding) } -客户端只会收到适用于他的情况的html。

Why not use Javascript Template for this as in Jquery Template or Mustache or Handlebar 为什么不像在Jquery模板,Mustache或Handlebar中那样使用Javascript模板

so keep the form in the on the client side like this 所以像这样将表单保存在客户端

I will describe it using Mustache over here .... 我将在这里使用小胡子来描述它。


    <script id="template" type="text/template">
      <div class="login">
      <FORM name="form1" METHOD="get" action={{request_path}}>
      <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="chal" VALUE={{challenges}}>
      <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="userurl" VALUE="/success">
      <input type="hidden" name="UserName" placeholder="Username" value={{user_name}}>
      <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="btn">


Next part is getting the response in form of ajax 下一部分以ajax形式获取响应

The using any Javascript Framework I guess it can be achieved I'm using jQuery over here 我想使用任何Javascript框架都可以实现,我在这里使用jQuery

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      // make ajax call over here
      success: function(data)  {
        // JSON DATA 
         var template = $('script#template').html();
         $([container where html is place]).html(Mustache.to_html(template,data));


Hope this Help 希望这个帮助

Not sure how would you want though of plain Form html tag intead of form_tag since it does not contain an authenticity token 不知道要如何获取form_tag的纯HTML标记标签,因为它不包含真实性令牌

Hope this help 希望这个帮助

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