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Render Dynamic Variables in JSON Feed with Ruby on Rails

I'm just looking at creating an API for our customers to interact with our main Rails 3 application.

For one part, I wanted the json response to contain some a form. Basically some form code that we control and appears on their site.

I have this working ok (simplified):

def login_form
  @response = Form.find_by_something(params[:something_else])
  if @response 
    render :status=>200, :json=>{:response => @response} 

And on the client side, I can fetch:

@logins = HTTParty.get("#{set_auth_url}/api/v1/logins.json?auth_token=xyz&something_else=abc").parsed_response

And display the form

= @logins["response"].html_safe

The problem is, the form code has some dynamic variables:

For example:

<div class="login">
  <FORM name="form1" METHOD="get" action="<%= request.path %>?">
  <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="chal" VALUE="<%= params['challenge'] %>">
  <% if @current_location['success_url'] %>
    <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="userurl" VALUE="/success">
  <% end %>
  <input type="hidden" name="UserName" placeholder="Username" value="<%= @user['username']['username'] %>">
  <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="btn">

I'm wondering if this is a good idea? And if so, how can I break those variables out in the html??

If it's not, could someone recommend a nicer way to go about it.

Are those variables known on server-side when preparing the response? In that case, I'd try around with running them through templating engine :json=> { :response => ERB.new(@response).result(binding) } - client would receive only the html applicable in his case.

Why not use Javascript Template for this as in Jquery Template or Mustache or Handlebar

so keep the form in the on the client side like this

I will describe it using Mustache over here ....


    <script id="template" type="text/template">
      <div class="login">
      <FORM name="form1" METHOD="get" action={{request_path}}>
      <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="chal" VALUE={{challenges}}>
      <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="userurl" VALUE="/success">
      <input type="hidden" name="UserName" placeholder="Username" value={{user_name}}>
      <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login" class="btn">


Next part is getting the response in form of ajax

The using any Javascript Framework I guess it can be achieved I'm using jQuery over here

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      // make ajax call over here
      success: function(data)  {
        // JSON DATA 
         var template = $('script#template').html();
         $([container where html is place]).html(Mustache.to_html(template,data));


Hope this Help

Not sure how would you want though of plain Form html tag intead of form_tag since it does not contain an authenticity token

Hope this help

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