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[英]How to call a non-static method from another class

This's my second question, even thought, i answered the previous one, on my own. 这是我的第二个问题,甚至以为我自己回答了上一个问题。 Anyway, I have a basic problem with OOP, on how to call a non-static method from another class. 无论如何,我对OOP有一个基本的问题,那就是如何从另一个类调用非静态方法。 example: We have a class named A in a file A.class.php 示例:我们在文件A.class.php中有一个名为A的类

class A {

    public function doSomething(){
     //doing something.


and a second class named B on another file B.class.php 在另一个文件B.class.php上命名为B的第二个类

require_once 'A.class.php';

class B {

    //Call the method doSomething() from  the class A.


I think now it's clearn. 我认为现在已经清除。 How to : Call the method doSomething() from the class A ? 如何:从类A调用方法doSomething()?

Class B will need an object of Class A to call the method on: B类将需要一个A类对象来调用以下方法:

class B {
    public function doStuff() {
        $a = new A();

Alternatively, you can create the instance of A outside of B and pass it into B's constructor to create a global reference to it (or pass it to an individual method, your choice): 或者,您可以在B之外创建A的实例,并将其传递到B的构造函数中以创建对其的全局引用(或将其传递给您选择的单个方法):

class B {
    private $a = null;
    public function __construct($a) {
        $this->a = $a;
    public function doStuff() {

$a = new A();
$b = new B($a);

How about injecting class A into B, making B dependant on A. This is the most primitive form of dependency injection: 如何将类A注入到B中,使B依赖于A。这是依赖项注入的最原始形式:

class A 
  public function doSomething()
    //doing something.

class B 
  private $a;

  public function __construct( A $a )
     $this->a = $a;

  //Call the method doSomething() from  the class A.
  public function SomeFunction()

This is constructed like this: 构造如下:

$a = new A();
$b = new B( $a );

You need to instantiate a an object of class A. You can only do this inside a method of class B. 您需要实例化一个类A的对象。您只能在类B的方法中执行此操作。

  class B{
     public function doSomethingWithA(){
          $a = new A();
          return $a->doSomething();

class B {

    public function __construct()
      $a = new A;


I know this is an old question but considering I found it today I figured I'd add something to @newfurniturey's answer. 我知道这是一个老问题,但是考虑到我今天发现了这个问题,所以我想在@newfurniturey的答案中添加一些内容。

If you wish to retain access to class B within class A this is what I did: 如果您希望保留A类中B类的访问权限,这就是我所做的:

class A 
    private $b = null
    public function __construct()
        $this->b = new B($this);

        if (!is_object($this->b) {
            $this->throwError('No B');


    public function doSomething() {

    private function throwError($msg = false) {
        if (!$msg) { die('Error'); }

class B {
    public function doStuff() {
        // do stuff

This is constructed like this: 构造如下:

$a = new A();

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