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[英]How to compare NSNumber with a decimal value?

I recently upgraded from iOS 5 to iOS 6 and found this unit test was failing 我最近从iOS 5升级到iOS 6,发现此单元测试失败

- (void)testCalculatesDistanceBetweenTwoPoints
    self.sut = [[DistanceCalculator alloc] init];
    CLLocationCoordinate2D start = {.latitude = 34.32, .longitude = 99.13};
    CLLocationCoordinate2D finish = {.latitude = 105.94, .longitude = 27.73};
    NSNumber *distance = [self.sut kilometresBetweenPlace1:start andPlace2:finish];
    NSNumber *expected = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:3822.23073702318];
    STAssertEqualObjects(distance, expected, @"");

The failing asserting 失败的断言

'3822.23073702318' should be equal to '3822.23073702318' '3822.23073702318'应该等于'3822.23073702318'

When I print the raw value of each number I get what looks like the same value 当我打印每个数字的原始值时,我得到的看起来像是相同的值

2012-10-23 20:01:42.970 HelloWorld[1573:c07] 1 3822.23073702318
2012-10-23 20:01:42.970 HelloWorld[1573:c07] 2 3822.23073702318

When I print the type of each number I get what looks like the same (could I be doing this wrong?) 当我打印每个数字的类型时,我得到的看起来像是一样的(我做错了吗?)

2012-10-23 20:06:37.309 HelloWorld[1611:c07] 1 __NSCFNumber 
2012-10-23 20:06:37.309 HelloWorld[1611:c07] 2 __NSCFNumber

Here is the full blown implementation if that helps 如果有帮助,这里是完整的实现

- (NSNumber *)kilometresBetweenPlace1:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)place1 andPlace2:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)place2
    MKMapPoint start = MKMapPointForCoordinate(place1);
    MKMapPoint finish = MKMapPointForCoordinate(place2);

    double distance = MKMetersBetweenMapPoints(start, finish) / 1600;

    return [NSNumber numberWithDouble:distance];

For anyone who might follow this discussion -here is what I ended up with 对于任何可能关注此讨论的人-这就是我最终得到的结果

- (void)testCalculatesDistanceBetweenTwoPoints
    double accuracy = 0.00000000001;
    self.sut = [[DistanceCalculator alloc] init];
    CLLocationCoordinate2D start = {.latitude = 34.32, .longitude = 99.13};
    CLLocationCoordinate2D finish = {.latitude = 105.94, .longitude = 27.73};
    NSNumber *distance = [self.sut kilometresBetweenPlace1:start andPlace2:finish];
    NSNumber *expected = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:3822.23073702318];
    STAssertEqualsWithAccuracy([distance doubleValue], [expected doubleValue], accuracy, @"");

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