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基于浮点数组将2D numpy数组中的列广播到更大的2D数组

[英]Broadcasting columns from a 2D numpy array to a larger 2D array based on an array of floats

I'm not quite sure how to say this so I'll try to be clear in my description. 我不太清楚如何这样说,所以我会尽量在我的描述中说清楚。 Right now I have a 3D numpy array where the 1st column represents a depth and the 2nd a position on the x-axis. 现在我有一个3D numpy数组,其中第1列代表深度,第2列代表x轴。 My goal is to make a pcolor where the columns are spread out along the x-axis based on the values in a 1D float array. 我的目标是根据1D浮点数组中的值,在x轴上展开列。

Here's where it gets tricky, I only have the relative distances between points. 这是它变得棘手的地方,我只有点之间的相对距离。 That is, the distance between column 1 and column 2 and so on. 也就是说,列1和列2之间的距离等等。

Here's an example of what I have and what I'd like: 这是我拥有的和我想要的一个例子:

darray = [[2  3  7  7]
          [4  8  2  3]
          [6  1  9  5]
          [3  4  8  4]]

posarray = [ 3.767, 1.85, 0.762]

DesiredArray = [[2  0  0  0  3  0  7  7]
                [4  0  0  0  8  0  2  3]
                [6  0  0  0  1  0  9  5]
                [3  0  0  0  4  0  8  4]]

How I tried implementing it: 我是如何尝试实现它的:

def space_set(darr, sarr):
    spaced = np.zeros((260,1+int(sum(sarr))), dtype = float)
    x = 0
    for point in range(len(sarr)):
            spaced[:, x] = darr[:,point]
            x = int(sum(sarr[0:point]))
    spaced[:,-1] = darr[:,-1]

Then I was planning on using matplotlibs pcolor to plot it. 然后我计划使用matplotlibs pcolor绘制它。 This method seems to lose columns though. 这种方法似乎失去了列。 Any ideas for either directly plotting or making a numpy array to plot? 有关直接绘制或制作numpy数组的想法吗? Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Here's an example of what I'm looking for. 这是我正在寻找的一个例子。 示例图片

Since there is so much whitespace, perhaps it would be easier to draw the Rectangles , rather than use pcolor . 由于有太多的空白,也许绘制矩形更容易,而不是使用pcolor As a bonus, you can place the rectangles exactly where you want them, rather than having to "snap" them to an integer-valued grid. 作为奖励,您可以将矩形准确放置在您想要的位置,而不必将它们“捕捉”到整数值网格。 And, you do not have to allocate space for a larger 2D array mainly filled with zeros. 并且,您不必为主要填充零的较大2D阵列分配空间。 (In your case the memory required is probably measly, but the idea does not scale well, so it is nice if we can avoid doing that.) (在你的情况下,所需的内存可能是微不足道的,但这个想法不能很好地扩展,所以如果我们可以避免这样做,那就太好了。)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.cm as cm

def draw_rect(x, y, z):
    rect = patches.Rectangle((x,y), 1, 1, color = jet(z))

jet = plt.get_cmap('jet')
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

darray = np.array([[2, 3, 7, 7],
                   [4, 8, 2, 3],
                   [6, 1, 9, 5],
                   [3, 4, 8, 4]], dtype = 'float')
darray_norm = darray/darray.max()

posarray = [3.767, 1.85, 0.762]
x = np.cumsum(np.hstack((0, np.array(posarray)+1)))

for j, i in np.ndindex(darray.shape):
    draw_rect(x[j], i, darray_norm[i, j])
m = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap = jet)

yields 产量


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