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SSE 16位寄存器的无符号/有符号减法

[英]SSE unsigned/signed subtraction of 16 bit register

I have a __m128i register (Vector A) with 16 bit values with the content: 我有一个带有内容的16位值的__m128i寄存器(向量A):

{100,26,26,26,26,26,26,100} // A Vector

Now I subtract the vector 现在我减去向量


With the instruction 与指示


The expected result should be the following vector 预期结果应为以下向量


But I get 但是我明白了


How can I solve that the vector is treated as signed? 如何解决将向量视为带符号的向量?

The A Vector was created by this instruction: A向量是通过以下指令创建的:

__m128i a_vec = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_unpacklo_epi8(score_vec_8bit, score_vec_8bit), 8)

65480 is the same value as -56 (they are both 0xffc8 at the register level) - you're just displaying it as if it were an unsigned short. 65480-56相同(在寄存器级别上均为0xffc8 )-您只是在显示它,就好像它是无符号的short一样。

Note that for non-saturating addition and subtraction of binary values without carry/borrow flags it really is irrelevant whether the values are signed or unsigned - hence the same instruction can be used for adding both signed and unsigned shorts - the only difference is how you subsequently interpret (or display) the result. 请注意,对于不带进位/借位标志的二进制值进行非饱和加减运算,实际上是无关紧要的,即值是带符号的还是无符号的-因此,同一条指令可用于同时添加带符号的和无符号的短裤-唯一的区别是随后解释(或显示)结果。

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