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[英]Testing AJAX For the first time in WebMatrix (C#), Server returning internal error 500

This should be an easy one to solve, I've just never messed with AJAX before... 这应该是一个容易解决的问题,在此之前,我从未碰过AJAX。

I am having trouble testing AJAX for the first time. 我第一次无法测试AJAX。

It looks to me like everything is right, and according to online examples, this should work, but apparently it is not so. 在我看来,一切都是正确的,根据在线示例,这应该可行,但显然并非如此。

(Keep in mind this is just a test to see if I can get this to work, I know using server-side for this simple of a computation is nonsensical). (请记住,这只是一个测试,看看是否可以使它正常工作,我知道使用服务器端进行这种简单的计算是没有意义的)。

I am not going to include the html for the header, as it is in a different layout page and rendered, but I assure you the correct paths to the necessary files are there. 我不会在标头中包含html,因为它在不同的布局页面中并已呈现,但是我向您保证了必要文件的正确路径。

Anyway, what I have setup is setup this way for future implementation and growth if needed (currently using these 4 different files): 无论如何,我所设置的是通过这种方式设置的,以便将来需要时实现和扩展(当前使用这4个不同的文件):

The HTML (default.cshtml): HTML(default.cshtml):

    ///Simple AJAX test to multiply to user set numbers on server side
    ///and return the result.

    <h1>Welcome to Us</h1> 

Lorem Ipsum Porem Lorem Ipsum Porem 
    Choose a number from the first list,
    then a number from the second list
    and they will be multiplied together
    using AJAX on the server side, then
    updated on the page, all without having
    to resubmit the form or reload the page!
<button id="btn1" name="btn1">1</button><button id="btn2" name="btn2">2</button><button id="btn3" name="btn3">3</button><button id="btn4" name="btn4">4</button><button id="btn5" name="btn5">5</button><br/>
<span>First Number:&nbsp;</span><span id="firstNumber" style="height: 20px; width: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; color: #f00;"></span><br/><br/>
<button id="2btn1" name="2btn1">1</button><button id="2btn2" name="2btn2">2</button><button id="2btn3" name="2btn3">3</button><button id="2btn4" name="2btn4">4</button><button id="2btn5" name="2btn5">5</button><br/>
<span>Second Number:&nbsp;</span><span id="secondNumber" style="height: 20px; width: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; color: #f00;"></span><br/><br/>
<button id="Compute" name="Compute">Compute</button><br/><br/>
<span>Result:&nbsp;</span><span id="result" style="height: 20px; width: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; color: #2ba03a;"></span><br/><br/>

The first JavaScript file (Main.js): 第一个JavaScript文件(Main.js):

$(document).ready(function () {

    /////////FIRST NUMBER/////////////
    $("#btn1").click(function () {
    $("#btn2").click(function () {
    $("#btn3").click(function () {
    $("#btn4").click(function () {
    $("#btn5").click(function () {

    /////////SECOND NUMBER/////////////
    $("#2btn1").click(function () {
    $("#2btn2").click(function () {
    $("#2btn3").click(function () {
    $("#2btn4").click(function () {
    $("#2btn5").click(function () {

    $("#Compute").click(function () {
        var num1 = $("#firstNumber").text();
        var num2 = $("#secondNumber").text();

        compute(num1, num2);

The Second JavaScript file (TestAjax.js): 第二个JavaScript文件(TestAjax.js):

var xmlhttp;
function loadXMLDoc (url, cfunc)
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
    {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
        xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    {// code for IE6, IE5
        xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

    xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = cfunc;
    xmlhttp.open("GET", url, true);
function compute(number1, number2)
    loadXMLDoc("/TestAjax.cshtml?numb1=" + number1 + "&numb2=" + number2, function () {
        if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
            document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;

And finally, the cshtml file on the server side (TestAjax.cshtml): 最后,服务器端的cshtml文件(TestAjax.cshtml):

    int numb1 = Request["numb1"];
    int numb2 = Request["numb2"];

    int resultNumb = numb1 * numb2;


If it helps any (I think it might), the server responds with: 如果有帮助(我认为可能),服务器将响应:

GET http://localhost:14950/TestAjax.cshtml?numb1=4&numb2=2 500 (Internal Server Error) 

I can see that the values make it into the query string here but... 我可以看到值将其放入查询字符串中,但是...

It errors on line 15 of the second JavaScript file (xmlhttp.send();), but all that means to me is that it didn't like some of the data it was given (or that line's syntax is bad, which I doubt, but I am new to AJAX, so...). 它在第二个JavaScript文件(xmlhttp.send();)的第15行上出错,但是对我而言,这意味着它不喜欢所提供的某些数据(或者该行的语法不好,我对此表示怀疑) ,但是我是AJAX的新手,所以...)。 Anyway, should be something simple I am overlooking, but I can't find what it is. 无论如何,这应该是我所忽略的简单事物,但我找不到它。

Thanks for any help! 谢谢你的帮助! I'd really like to start adding some AJAX to my programmer's toolbox. 我真的很想开始向我的程序员的工具箱中添加一些AJAX。

I don't think you can access a View directly like that. 我认为您不能像这样直接访问View。

What I've done in the past is add an Ajax controller to the project, a blank _AjaxLayout.cshtml to the Views/Shared folder, and in the Views/Ajax folder, a _View_Start.cshtml that sets the Layout to the "~/Views/Shared/_AjaxLayout.cshtml" file. 我过去所做的就是向项目中添加一个Ajax控制器,向Views / Shared文件夹中添加一个空白_AjaxLayout.cshtml,在Views / Ajax文件夹中,将_Layout_Start.cshtml设置为“〜/视图/共享/_AjaxLayout.cshtml”文件。

In your controller, you add an action ("TestAjax") and then you can put your TestAjax.cshtml file in Views/Ajax. 在您的控制器中,添加一个动作(“ TestAjax”),然后可以将您的TestAjax.cshtml文件放入Views / Ajax中。

To access it, the URL would be /Ajax/TestAjax?numb1=4&numb2=2 要访问它,URL为/ Ajax / TestAjax?numb1 = 4&numb2 = 2

It's a good idea to directly hit your Ajax URL in the browser if you can to debug it and make sure you are getting the results you are expecting before trying to integrate it into the page. 如果可以调试它,请直接在浏览器中命中Ajax URL,并确保在将其集成到页面之前确保获得期望的结果是一个好主意。

Well, what I had to end up doing, was two things mainly. 好吧,我最终要做的主要是两件事。

  1. parse the two variables in the cshtml file (TestAjax.cshtml) (casting didn't work) 解析cshtml文件(TestAjax.cshtml)中的两个变量(广播无效)


2 return(resultNumb) is apparently not correct with AJAX. 2 return(resultNumb)显然对AJAX不正确。 I had to replace it with the following: @: @resultNumb 我必须将其替换为以下内容:@:@resultNumb

I would gladly accept any answer that showed me any of the following: 我很乐意接受任何显示以下任何内容的答案:

  1. How to send only a single value or line back with AJAX, instead of the whole page (if possible) 如何仅使用AJAX发送单个值或行,而不发送整个页面(如果可能)

  2. How to group multiple lines in an AJAX return (like what would come after "@:") 如何在AJAX返回中对多行进行分组(例如“ @:”之后的内容)

  3. Pretty much what "@:" means at all. “ @:”的含义几乎全部。

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