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VB.Net Power运算符(^)从C#重载

[英]VB.Net Power operator (^) overloading from C#

I am writing a C# class that is exposed to VB.Net. 我正在编写一个暴露给VB.Net的C#类。 I would like to overload the vb.net ^ operator so that I can write: 我想重载vb.net ^运算符,以便我可以写:

Dim c as MyClass
Set c = New ...
Dim d as MyClass
Set d = c^2

In C#, the ^ operator is the xor operator and the power operator doesn't exist. 在C#中, ^运算符是xor运算符,幂运算符不存在。 Is there a way I can do this anyway? 有没有办法可以做到这一点?


It turns out there's a SpecialNameAttribute that lets you declare "special" functions in C# that will allow you (among other things) to overload the VB power operator: 事实证明,有一个SpecialNameAttribute允许您在C#中声明“特殊”函数,这将允许您(除其他外)重载VB电源运算符:

public class ExponentClass
    public double Value { get; set; }

    public static ExponentClass op_Exponent(ExponentClass o1, ExponentClass o2)
        return new ExponentClass { Value = Math.Pow(o1.Value, o2.Value) };

The op_Exponent function in the class above gets translated by VB into the ^ power operator. 上面的类中的op_Exponent函数由VB转换为^幂运算符。

Interestingly, the documentation states the Attribute in not currently used by the .NET framework... 有趣的是, 文档说明了.NET框架当前未使用的属性...

--ORIGINAL ANSWER -- - 原始答案 -

No. The power ( ^ ) operator gets compiled as Math.Pow() so there's no way to "overload" it in C#. 不。幂( ^ )运算符被编译为Math.Pow()所以没有办法在C#中“重载”它。

From LinqPad: 来自LinqPad:

Sub Main
    Dim i as Integer
    Dim j as Integer
    j = Integer.Parse("6")
    i = (5^j)
End Sub


IL_0001:  ldstr       "6"
IL_0006:  call        System.Int32.Parse
IL_000B:  stloc.1     
IL_000C:  ldc.r8      00 00 00 00 00 00 14 40 
IL_0015:  ldloc.1     
IL_0016:  conv.r8     
IL_0017:  call        System.Math.Pow
IL_001C:  call        System.Math.Round
IL_0021:  conv.ovf.i4 
IL_0022:  stloc.0     
IL_0023:  ldloc.0     
IL_0024:  call        LINQPad.Extensions.Dump

By experiment, it turns out that operator overloading is just syntactic sugar, and better be avoided, if you need to develop in multiple languages. 通过实验,结果表明运算符重载只是语法糖,如果你需要用多种语言开发,最好避免使用。 For example, ^ operator of VB.NET gets translated into op_Exponent function, so this is what's available to you from C#. 例如,VB.NET的^运算符被转换为op_Exponent函数,因此这是C#可以使用的。

Why doesn't C# have a power operator? 为什么C#没有电源运营商?

You can use a native .NET way so you don't rely on operators: 您可以使用本机.NET方式,因此您不依赖于运算符:

Math.Pow(x, y);

Also for y=2 it is faster to use multiplication (x*x). 同样,对于y = 2,使用乘法(x * x)更快。

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