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C# 和 VB.NET 运算符优先级

[英]C# and VB.NET operator precedence

Looking at the C# and VB.NET language specs I think it says that the logical Xor/Or/And operations have different precendence in the two languages.查看 C# 和 VB.NET 语言规范,我认为它说逻辑 Xor/Or/And 操作在两种语言中具有不同的优先级。 Am I reading that right?我读对了吗? I was expecting them to have the same precendence.我期待他们有同样的优先权。

For example in C#例如在 C# 中

100 | 200 ^ 300 & 400

is the same as...是相同的...

100 | (200 ^ (300 & 400))

But the equivalent VB.NET但等效的 VB.NET

100 Or 200 Xor 300 And 400

as far as I can tell is the same as...据我所知是一样的......

(100 Or 200) Xor (300 And 400)

Am I reading that right?我读对了吗?

Personally, I'm not a fan of remembering precedence rules.就个人而言,我不喜欢记住优先规则。 If there is any ambiguity, I just add brackets.如果有任何歧义,我只是添加括号。 Even if I get it right, somebody else might have to read it, and I don't know which background they'll have...即使我猜对了,也可能会有人阅读它,我不知道他们会有什么背景......

But I think you are reading it correctly.但我认为你读对了。

Am I reading that right?我读对了吗?

Yes.是的。 Simple as that.就那么简单。

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