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安装时的Wordpress WSOD

[英]Wordpress WSOD on install

I'm having some trouble with a brand new WP-install. 我在使用全新的WP安装时遇到了一些麻烦。 I'm trying to install it on a clients host. 我正在尝试将其安装在客户端主机上。 There was already an installation of WP when i began my installation. 当我开始安装时,已经有WP的安装。 I asked the client about it and was tolk i could remove it, it was just for test from their side. 我向客户询问了有关信息,我想可以将其删除,这只是从他们的角度进行测试。 I saved it however and also copied the db and stuff. 但是我保存了它,还复制了数据库和东西。

Then, i removed all files from the FTP, i removed all the tables in the DB and all that jazz. 然后,我从FTP删除了所有文件,删除了数据库中的所有表以及所有爵士乐。 Then, i took a brand new downloaded version of WP and uploaded it. 然后,我下载了一个全新的WP下载版本并将其上传。 I set all the proper values in wp-config.php and then launched the site and got a white screen of death. 我在wp-config.php中设置了所有适当的值,然后启动了该网站,并显示了白屏死机。

I removed the wp-config.php and i got the "There's no wp-config"-stuff. 我删除了wp-config.php并得到了“没有wp-config”的信息。 I tried to alter the file and and even used the wisard, either way i got a WSOD or a WP-error. 我尝试更改文件,甚至使用了Wisard,无论是得到WSOD还是WP错误。 I get redirected to "wp-admin/install.php" but that's it. 我被重定向到“ wp-admin / install.php”,仅此而已。 In the install.php I started to echo stuff to see where the crash were. 在install.php中,我开始回显内容以查看崩溃的位置。 It seems that it crashed on this line: 似乎在此行崩溃了:

require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . '/wp-load.php' );

Then, i tried to set the define('WP_HOME', '') and d define('WP_SITEURL', '') to the actual URL. 然后,我尝试将define('WP_HOME','')和d define('WP_SITEURL','')设置为实际URL。 I tried even to take the old sites .htaccess file, but it gave me nothing. 我什至尝试使用旧站点.htaccess文件,但是它什么也没给我。 Then i started to google and found nothing. 然后我开始去谷歌搜索,一无所获。

After this, i gave up and installed all the old tables the client had there before for testing, and then uploaded the old site. 在此之后,我放弃并安装了客户端之前用于测试的所有旧表,然后上传了旧站点。 Still a WSOD. 仍然是WSOD。

Anybody who knows what's going on here? 有人知道这是怎么回事吗?

Well, as i mentioned in the comment, the problem was a bunch of redeclarations... 好吧,正如我在评论中提到的那样,问题是很多重新声明。

Something went really bad when the files were transfered, files got really bad. 传输文件时,事情真的很糟糕,文件真的很糟糕。

If a file looked like this: 如果文件如下所示:

function a_function()
{ //something }

the file could look like this when it was uploaded: 该文件在上传时可能如下所示:

function a_function()
{ //something }
function a_function()
{ //something }

This made the redeclarations in some files, not all of them, just random files. 这在一些文件中进行了重新声明,而不是所有文件,只是随机文件。 The host got the same trouble when they tested, so something is really bad over there. 主机在测试时也遇到了同样的麻烦,所以那边真的很糟糕。

At least, now i know why the reason for the WSOD :) 至少,现在我知道了为什么使用WSOD的原因:)

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