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[英]Emacs bad font rendering under Windows

After some googling I found, that people recomment font Inconsolata for programming in Emacs. 经过一些谷歌搜索我发现,人们推荐使用字体Inconsolata进行Emacs编程。 I installed it on Windows and Linux from here: 我从这里在Windows和Linux上安装它:

http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html http://www.levien.com/type/myfonts/inconsolata.html

Here are the screenshots of the same text 1 - Linux, 2 - Windows XP SP3: 以下是相同文本的屏幕截图1 - Linux,2 - Windows XP SP3:



Under Windows the font is thin, unclear and is uncomfortable for reading. 在Windows下,字体很薄,不清晰,阅读不舒服。 Is it possible to make it render it as well as on Linux? 是否可以在Linux上进行渲染?

Download and install Inconsolata.ttf font and install it instead of otf: 下载并安装Inconsolata.ttf字体并安装它而不是otf:

http://googlefontdirectory.googlecode.com/hg-history/fffda675769720a297f4d239e7065f751bbe655f/inconsolata/Inconsolata.ttf http://googlefontdirectory.googlecode.com/hg-history/fffda675769720a297f4d239e7065f751bbe655f/inconsolata/Inconsolata.ttf

It will be rendered smoothly on Windows. 它将在Windows上顺利呈现。

只需使用Consolas,就可以在Windows上使用最好的等宽字体( 截图 )。

(set-face-attribute 'default nil :height 115 :family "Consolas")

我最喜欢的是Source Code Pro( https://github.com/adobe-fonts/source-code-pro/releases/tag/1.017R ) - 再次确保使用ttf

You can run the Cygwin version, using X11. 您可以使用X11运行Cygwin版本。 It should give you the exact same output as under GNU/Linux in this respect. 在这方面它应该给你与GNU / Linux完全相同的输出。

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