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[英]Calling method of object passed to qt plugin yields symbol lookup error

I have a problem with passing a object to Qt Plugin and when trying to get its member using const member function i get symbol lookup error.我在将对象传递给 Qt 插件时遇到问题,当尝试使用 const 成员函数获取其成员时,出现符号查找错误。 Example:例子:

This is inside Qt application:这是在 Qt 应用程序中:

class A{
    int a,b,c;

class B{
    const QList<A*>* a() const { return m_a; }
    QList<A*>* m_a;

class C{
    const B* b() const { return m_b; }
    B* m_b;

This is inside QtPlugin:这是在 QtPlugin 中:


#include "a.h"
#include "b.h"
#include "c.h"



void Plugin::somefunc(C* c)
    qDebug() << c->b()->a()->count();

If I call from Qt application somefunc() of a plugin I get symbol lookup error:如果我从插件的 Qt 应用程序 somefunc() 调用,我会收到符号查找错误:

symbol lookup error ... plugin.so undefined symbol _ZNK5b6a

but if I put B and C class members into public domain it works using:但是如果我将 B 和 C 类成员放入公共域,它可以使用:

    qDebug() << c->m_b->m_a->count();

Did anyone have similar problem or knows how to solve this?有没有人有类似的问题或知道如何解决这个问题? Thanks.谢谢。

Class members are private by default.默认情况下,类成员是私有的。 B::a() and C::b() are private. B::a()C::b()是私有的。 To be able to call these member functions from Plugin::somefunc() you need to make them public explicitly.为了能够从Plugin::somefunc()调用这些成员函数,您需要明确地将它们设为 public。

There are two solutions to this "problem".这个“问题”有两种解决方案。

  • Make shared library - make shared library and move code that application and QtPlugin use into that library创建共享库- 创建共享库并将应用程序和 QtPlugin 使用的代码移动到该库中
  • Add .h and .cpp of files used to QMake file - header and source files of application used in QtPlugin add to HEADERS and SOURCES directive in .pro file - this is actually static linking添加用于 QMake 文件的文件的 .h 和 .cpp - QtPlugin 中使用的应用程序的头文件和源文件添加到 .pro 文件中的 HEADERS 和 SOURCES 指令 - 这实际上是静态链接

I haven't found similar question on web, and thus putting this answer.我还没有在网上找到类似的问题,因此提出了这个答案。 Maybe question was fuzzy, sorry about that.也许问题是模糊的,对此感到抱歉。 Thanks for answer.谢谢你的回答。 This answer is for any future reference.此答案供将来参考。


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