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[英]How can I write an SQLAlchemy Query with a Join and an Aggregate?

I have a table that has 3 columns: type, content and time (an integer). 我有一个有3列的表:类型,内容和时间(整数)。 For each 'type', I want to select the entry with the greatest (most recent) 'time' integer and the corresponding data. 对于每个'类型',我想选择具有最大(最近)'时间'整数的条目和相应的数据。 How can I do this using SQLAlchemy and Python? 我怎么能用SQLAlchemy和Python做到这一点? I could do this using SQL by performing: 我可以使用SQL执行以下操作:

  parts as b

inner join

    max(a.time) as time
  from parts as a
  group by a.type) as c


b.type = c.type and
b.time = c.time

But how can I accomplish this in SQLAlchemy? 但是我怎样才能在SQLAlchemy中实现这一目标?

The table mapping: 表映射:

class Structure(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'structure'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    type = Column(Text)
    content = Column(Text)
    time = Column(Integer)

    def __init__(self, type, content):
        self.type = type
        self.content = content
        self.time = time.time()

    def serialise(self):
        return {"type" : self.type,
            "content" : self.content};

The attempted query: 尝试查询:

    max = func.max(Structure.time).alias("time")
    c = DBSession.query(max)\
        .add_columns(Structure.type, Structure.time)\

    b = DBSession.query(Structure.content)\
        .add_columns(c.c.type, c.c.time)\
        .join(c, Structure.type == c.c.type)

Gives me: 给我:

sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) near "(": syntax error u'SELECT structure.content AS structure_content, anon_1.type AS anon_1_type, anon_1.t ime AS anon_1_time \\nFROM structure JOIN (SELECT time.max_1 AS max_1, structure.type AS type, structure.time AS time \\nFROM max(structure.time) AS time, structu re GROUP BY structure.type) AS anon_1 ON structure.type = anon_1.type' () sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError :( OperationalError)靠近“(”:语法错误u'SELECT structure.content AS structure_content,anon_1.type AS anon_1_type,anon_1.t ime AS anon_1_time \\ nFROM结构JOIN(SELECT time.max_1 AS max_1,structure .type AS类型,structure.time AS时间\\ nFROM max(structure.time)AS时间,结构GROUP BY structure.type)AS anon_1 ON structure.type = anon_1.type'()

I'm essentially stabbing in the dark, so any help would be appreciated. 我基本上是在黑暗中刺伤,所以任何帮助都会受到赞赏。

Try the code below using sub-query: 使用子查询尝试以下代码:

subq = (session.query(

qry = (session.query(Structure).
       join(subq, and_(Structure.type == subq.c.type, Structure.time == subq.c.max_time))

print qry

producing SQL: 产生SQL:

SELECT  structure.id AS structure_id, structure.type AS structure_type, structure.content AS structure_content, structure.time AS structure_time
FROM    structure 
JOIN    (SELECT structure.type AS type, max(structure.time) AS max_time
         FROM structure GROUP BY structure.type) AS anon_1 
    ON  structure.type = anon_1.type 
    AND structure.time = anon_1.max_time

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