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[英]cannot undeploy and deploy web app in tomcat

When I stop and undeploy the old verstion and tried to deploy a new one using tomcat manager, the message shows ok but the app didn't show up in the application list. 当我停下来并取消部署旧版本并尝试使用tomcat Manager部署新版本时,该消息显示为ok,但该应用未显示在应用列表中。 Then I delete the war file and directory in both webapps and work directory, and deploy again, it still the case. 然后,我删除了webapps和工作目录中的war文件和目录,然后再次进行部署,情况仍然如此。 I google it but cannot find a useful answer. 我用谷歌搜索,但找不到有用的答案。 So I can only deploy war file with different name now. 所以我现在只能部署其他名称的war文件。 Any one can help? 有人可以帮忙吗?

Stop an application before undeployment. 取消部署之前,请停止应用程序。 It helped me. 它帮助了我。

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