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[英]Scanner variable doesn't work outside the try-catch block

I tried to declare s.next() after the try-catch block but it wouldn't work! 我试图在try-catch块之后声明s.next() ,但是它不起作用! The s would only have the drop down if it is inside the try block. 如果s在try块内,则只有下拉菜单。

I don't want to lump Parsing inputs, take appropriate actions all into the try block, because they wouldn't throw the FNFE and IOE. 我不想将解析输入混为一谈,将所有适当的操作全部放入try块,因为它们不会抛出FNFE和IOE。 What can I do here? 我在这里可以做什么?

public static void main(String[] args) 
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        //Open file; file name specified in args (command line)
            FileReader freader = new FileReader(args[0]);
            Scanner s = new Scanner(freader);

        }catch(FileNotFoundException e){
            System.err.println("Error: File not found. Exiting program...");
        }catch(IOException e){
            System.err.println ("Error: IO exception. Exiting...");
        // if i try to declare s.next() here it would not work

I think you mean you want to use s.next() and that it won't work. 我认为您的意思是您想使用 s.next(),但它不起作用。

to do that, declare s as a variable outside the try/catch block, set it to null there. 为此,请将s声明为try / catch块外部的变量,然后将其设置为null。 Then assign it where you assign it now, but without the declaration. 然后将其分配在您现在分配的位置,但不带声明。 If my assumption is correct, your problem is that s is no longer an active variable outside the try/catch, because it is declared within that block. 如果我的假设正确,那么您的问题是s不再是try / catch之外的活动变量,因为它是在该块中声明的。

FileReader freader = null;
Scanner    s       = null;
try { freader = new FileReader(args[0]); // risk null pointer exception here
      s = new Scanner(freader);
catch { // etc.

because s variable which is an instance of Scanner class is limited to try block only. 因为作为Scanner类实例的s变量仅限于try块。 if you want s to be accessible outside the try-catch block, declare it outside the try catch. 如果希望在try-catch之外可以访问s ,请在try-catch之外声明它。

 Scanner s = null;
        FileReader freader = new FileReader(args[0]);
         s = new Scanner(freader);

    }catch(FileNotFoundException e){
        System.err.println("Error: File not found. Exiting program...");
    }catch(IOException e){
        System.err.println ("Error: IO exception. Exiting...");

In Java, variables are scoped by the block they are declared in. Since your Scanner is constructed inside the try block, it is not visible outside of it. 在Java中,变量受声明它们的块限制。由于Scanner是在try块内部构造的,因此在它的外部不可见。

Is there any reason you want to do your actual scanning operations outside this block? 您是否有任何理由要在此块之外进行实际的扫描操​​作? In Java 7, a common idiom is the try-with-resources pattern: 在Java 7中,一个常见的习惯用法是try-with-resources模式:

try (Scanner s = new Scanner(new FileInputStream(file)) {
  //Do stuff...

Which will automatically close out the Scanner resource. 它将自动关闭扫描仪资源。 As it is, you could potentially leak it, since there's no finally block in your code sample. 照原样,您可能会泄漏它,因为代码示例中没有finally块。

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