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带有bash for循环的SSH命令选项

[英]SSH command option with bash for loop

I want to symbolically link two arrays' elements. 我想象征性地链接两个数组的元素。 For example, array1 = (AAA BBB CCC DDD) , array2 = (001 002 003 004) , 001->AAA , 002->BBB , 003->CCC and 004->DDD . 例如, array1 = (AAA BBB CCC DDD)array2 = (001 002 003 004)array2 = (001 002 003 004) 001->AAA004->DDD 002->BBB003->CCC004->DDD

Here is the shell script I wrote, but it doesn't work, and I couldn't figure out where is wrong. 这是我写的shell脚本,但它不起作用,我无法弄清楚哪里出错了。

declare -a array1=(AAA BBB CCC DDD)
declare -a array2=(001 002 003 004)
num = ${#array1[@]}
ssh username@hostmachine 'for((i = 0 ; i < $num ; i++ )); do ln -sf ${array1[$i]} ${array2[$i]}; done' 

Can anyone give me some hints/advice? 谁能给我一些提示/建议? Thank you in advance. 先感谢您。

You should include all your bash code inside the parameter to ssh , like this: 您应该将参数中的所有bash代码包含在ssh ,如下所示:

ssh username@hostmachine 'declare -a array1=(AAA BBB CCC DDD); declare -a array2=(001 002 003 004); num = ${#array1[@]}; for((i = 0 ; i < $num ; i++ )); do ln -sf ${array1[$i]} ${array2[$i]}; done'

because otherwise the ssh bash code won't get access to your previously defined arrays, because they were defined in your computer not in the ssh one. 因为否则ssh bash代码将无法访问您之前定义的数组,因为它们是在您的计算机中定义的,而不是在ssh中定义的。


ssh username@hostmachine 'for((i = 0 ; i < $num ; i++ )); do ln -sf ${array1[$i]} ${array2[$i]}; done'

The variable substitution isn't happening insside single quotes. 变量替换不是在单引号内发生的。 Try double quotes instead: 请尝试双引号:

declare -a array1=(AAA BBB CCC DDD)
declare -a array2=(001 002 003 004)
ssh username@hostmachine "for((i = 0 ; i < $num ; i++ )); do ln -sf ${array1[$i]} ${array2[$i]}; done"

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