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[英]How do I kill applications or windows by title?

I am a windows bod most of the time but now there are macs in the mix and I need to support all the blocked apps our company deems unfit to run on their system. 大部分时间我都是Windows电脑,但是现在混合使用macs,我需要支持公司认为不适合在其系统上运行的所有阻止的应用程序。 In Windows I used a small app I wrote that runs in the background and just kills any window containing a specified title. 在Windows中,我使用了一个编写的小应用程序,该应用程序在后台运行,并且杀死包含指定标题的任何窗口。 Could someone please help with a bit of script that would do the same in OS X? 有人可以帮忙一些与OS X相同的脚本吗?

Can't make a script for you, but maybe it would be helpful to include killall in your search. 无法为您创建脚本,但是在搜索中包含killall可能会有所帮助。 "The killall utility kills processes selected by name..." “ killall实用程序将杀死按名称选择的进程...”

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