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如何在XAML中“创建”的Code Behind中访问控件

[英]How to access control in Code Behind that was 'created' in XAML

I have a control I 'created' in XAML that I want to access through the Code Behind. 我在XAML中创建了一个控件,我希望通过Code Behind访问它。

<wincontrols:LiveTileFrameElement Name="PendingAuthsFrame1" Text="Pending" />

this.PendingAuthsFrame1.Text = "334";

However, I get a Build Error on the second statement above stating MyApp.MainWindow does not contain a definition for 'PendingAuthsFrame1' and no extension method.... it keeps going but you get the idea I'm guessing. 但是,我在上面的第二个语句上得到了一个Build Error,说明MyApp.MainWindow does not contain a definition for 'PendingAuthsFrame1' and no extension method....它继续进行但是你得到了我猜的想法。

What am I missing or doing wrong? 我错过了什么或做错了什么?

Use x:Name instead of Name . 使用x:Name而不是Name That should do the trick. 这应该够了吧。

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